Paige DePasquale


My submission, entitled “A gentileza,” is about what I hope people think about first when they hear my name. “Gentileza” is Portuguese for kindness. I believe that when a person comes to mind, there are several different qualities that we associate with them. I have often been told I am very kind, however I had never truly explored what that truly meant for me personally. My initial intent was to describe how kindness has become my strongest quality. However, as I continued to develop my ideas, my intent became how to define kindness and how, as a society, we can learn ways to be more kind because I truly believe today’s world is in need of more kindness. In this poem, I defined kindness as how you make someone feel. This positive feeling could be outward or inward. Kindness is about making someone smile when they see you, giving comfort to those who are sad, and being a positive light for all individuals you encounter. I was thinking about the people in your life that you know as well as those that you encounter and do not know yet.

You never know what is going on in another person’s life. The boy you pass by walking to class could be having the worst day of his life. The girl sitting next to you in class could be lonely because she doesn’t know anyone and feels left out. A simple act of kindness costs nothing. One smile. Saying hello. Asking someone how they are. I have had individuals do these simple things to me and I will always remember them. If everyone could spread kindness, we could help people in more ways than we would ever think is possible.


A gentileza
é muito importante para mim
porque é o melhor que tenho para dar.
Quando pensarem em mim
espero que a gentileza seja a primeira palavra
a vir à mente.

O que é a gentileza?
Muito simples
é como tu fazes sentir os outros!
Eles sorriem quando te veem?
Tu lhes dás conforto
quando estão tristes?
Eu sempre trago essa luz positiva
a todos na minha vida.

Nunca sabemos o que acontece
na vida daqueles que encontramos pelo caminho.
Uma palavra.
Um sorriso.
Um abraço.
Todos esses gestos consolam as tristezas alheias.

A gentileza dos outros me salvou.
Vivo uma vida cheia de gentileza
porque espero tornar as vidas dos outros
um pouco melhores.

My name is Paige DePasquale and I am a sophomore at UMass Lowell. I am pursuing a major in Psychology and in addition, I plan to have a minor in Spanish. In my daily life, I have several roles, all of which are important to me. I am an older sister to a wonderful little girl. Being a role model for her is of extreme importance for me. Furthermore, I am an Assistant Track and Field Coach where I work specifically with the events of shot put, discus and javelin. Track and field was my passion for years and I am thankful I have the opportunity to coach and mentor young women. Lastly, I have recently begun tutoring at the Center for Learning. The ability to help peers succeed is extraordinary. Professionally, my goals are to successfully complete my undergraduate degree and pursue clinical psychology research in graduate school and obtain a doctorate. Personally, my main goal is to be a source of hope and light to those I come into contact with.