Which courses will you take?

Group of students play cards around table

UMass Lowell is the first public university in Massachusetts to offer a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering. Featuring a rigorous curriculum, world-class faculty and innovative research, our program prepares students to design and create medical devices and equipment. 

You will begin with courses in basic science and mathematics to gain a firm understanding of the fundamentals and develop analytical techniques. Continue learning core biomedical engineering topics such as bioinstrumentation, biomechanics, biomaterials and quantitative physiology before choosing to specialize in one of two tracks: Cellular and Tissue Engineering or Medical Device Design.

Woven throughout are courses in the arts, humanities and social sciences that help students broaden their perspectives, develop effective communication skills and gain exposure to the concepts of values and ethics. 

You can also choose to complete the requirements for graduate education in one of the health professions, including medicine, dentistry, veterinary or physician’s assistant, with only a few additional courses. 

Visit the Academic Catalog for a complete course listing.

Why study biomedical engineering at UMass Lowell?

four researchers looking at computer screen

Research Opportunities

Our students have the opportunity work alongside renowned faculty who are conducting groundbreaking research. Students also participate in two senior capstone projects that synthesize course knowledge and experimental skills into a team-based, collaborative experimental study supervised by faculty, which may include participation from industry representatives.

First-year students can also be considered for the Undergraduate Research Opportunities and Collaborations Award, a merit-based scholarship awarded through the early action admission process.

BME student, Anthony Vo, and Graduate student, Jose Pacheco, testing the exoskeleton suit

Co-op Program

Explore potential career paths and apply your learning in the real world – all while earning money. As a biomedical engineering student, you can take advantage of our highly successful Professional Co-op Program, which integrates full-time work experience with relevant coursework. 

This three-phase academic program is coordinated and supervised by co-op staff in full partnership with faculty. Students who successfully complete the full Professional Co-op cycle may substitute the full cycle for one professional elective.

Fun Outside the Classroom

Solving problems is fun, and at UMass Lowell you can put your learning into practice. Students can connect in a variety of ways outside of the classroom, including: 

scientist doing research under microscope

Bachelor’s-to-Master's Program

Get on the fast track to an advanced degree with our combined B.S.E./M.S.E. program

  • Available to juniors and seniors with a grade point average of 3.000 or better
  • Offers a continuous, coordinated sequence of courses 
  • Reduced credit-hour requirements can save you time and money

What can you do with a degree in biomedical engineering?

UMass Lowell's biomedical engineering program offers a wide variety of career paths, and roles such as product development engineer, product manager, R&D test technician, biomedical engineering technologist and post-market clinical assistant.

The images shows a molecular structure made from plastic rings and toys

Alumni of our program have worked at:

  • Advantage Resourcing
  • Brigham and Women’s Hospital
  • Cynosure
  • Cytiva
  • Hemanext
  • NxStage Medical