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Catalog : HONR.1100 First Year Seminar in Honors: Text in the City (Formerly HON 110)

Id: 035506 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


The First Year Seminar in Honors (FYSH) uses Lowell as its text. Rich in history and culture, and the students' home for the next four years, the City of Lowell offers a perfect topic to promote connections while learning how to view the city through the lens of the Humanities. Students will develop library research skills, including facility with primary and secondary sources, and an appreciation for the narratives that lie in buildings, objects, and what people leave behind. Activities include field trips, readings, writing, and an artistic interpretation. As important, students will have the opportunity to form strong connections to each other, to the faculty, and to the community. Note: New course, but combination of current 59.102 and 59.103 in one semester.


Pre-Req: Honors College or permission of the instructor.

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