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Catalog : CHEM.1210 Chemistry I (Formerly 84.121)

Id: 007639 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Provides an introduction to the basic concepts of chemistry through classroom discussions and demonstrations. Topics include chemical calculations, atomic structures, the periodic table, basic bonding theory, solutions, liquids, and gases. Restricted to science, health science, engineering, and engineering technology majors.


Co-Req:CHEM.1230L & Anti-Req:CHEM.1110 & CHEM.1350; Anti-Req:Students only can receive credit for one of the following fr-lvl chem I lect/lab courses:CHEM.1110/1130L,CHEM.1210/1230Lor CHEM.1350/1230L.Academic petition is required for anti-req exceptions.

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