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Catalog : CHEM.2210 Organic Chemistry I (Formerly 84.221)

Id: 007655 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


CHEM.2210 is the first course of a two-semester sequence of organic chemistry for students majoring in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Biological Sciences as well as pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-pharmaceutical and pre-veterinary students. The course focuses on acid-base properties, functional group labels, conformational analyses, sterochemistry, substitution, elimination and addition reactions of organic molecules. Curved arrow mechanisms and the relationship between organic structure and reactivity are emphasized. Aspects of organic spectroscopy are also introduced.


CHEM.1220 Chemistry II, and CHEM.1240L Chemistry II Lab, and Co-req: CHEM.2270L Organic Chemistry IA Lab, or CHEM.2290L Organic Chemistry IB Lab, and Biology, or Chemistry, or Chemical Engineer, or Biomedical Engineer Majors, or PMED, or PDEN.

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