What courses will you take?

The B.S. in Physics at UMass Lowell is designed to introduce both fundamental and applied aspects of physics. In addition to general physics foundation courses, you can select from a range of technical electives and specialty courses.
At UMass Lowell, we offer three options, which lead to a wide range of career opportunities.
- General Option provides a broad and solid grounding in physics. In addition to 60 credits of required physics courses, you can choose technical elective courses and non-physics electives in any of the engineering fields, computer science, mathematics, biology or chemistry. Courses for General Option
- Astronomy and Astrophysics Option focuses on studies of celestial objects and phenomena beyond our planet earth. Specialty courses include optical system design, scientific computing, computerized data-acquisition, image processing and statistical data analysis. Courses for Astronomy and Astrophysics Option
- Radiological Health Physics Option involves the study of the effects of radiation and radioactivity on life processes. Learn more about the Radiological Health Physics Option and courses
All physics majors complete a capstone research project before graduation, which often results in presentations at national professional meetings and/or publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Visit the Academic Catalog for a complete course listing and to learn about the Physics minor.