What courses will you take?

Student works with equipment in a UMass Lowell engineering physics lab

The B.S. in Physics at UMass Lowell is designed to introduce both fundamental and applied aspects of physics. In addition to general physics foundation courses, you can select from a range of technical electives and specialty courses. 

At UMass Lowell, we offer three options, which lead to a wide range of career opportunities.

  • General Option provides a broad and solid grounding in physics. In addition to 60 credits of required physics courses, you can choose technical elective courses and non-physics electives in any of the engineering fields, computer science, mathematics, biology or chemistry. Courses for General Option
  • Astronomy and Astrophysics Option focuses on studies of celestial objects and phenomena beyond our planet earth. Specialty courses include optical system design, scientific computing, computerized data-acquisition, image processing and statistical data analysis. Courses for Astronomy and Astrophysics Option
  • Radiological Health Physics Option involves the study of the effects of radiation and radioactivity on life processes. Learn more about the Radiological Health Physics Option and courses

All physics majors complete a capstone research project before graduation, which often results in presentations at national professional meetings and/or publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Visit the Academic Catalog for a complete course listing and to learn about the Physics minor.

Visit the Academic Catalog for all degree pathways, including those from prior enrollment years.

Why study physics at UMass Lowell?

A UMass Lowell physics student works with a large piece of lab equipment

Research Opportunities

Gain research experience through employment with the department’s research faculty or internships in national labs such as Los Alamos National Laboratory or in high-tech firms such as Draper Laboratory. Cutting-edge research programs include:

  • Subatomic physics
  • Astrophysics
  • Nanoscience
  • Photonics
  • Terahertz technology
  • Radiological and medical physics
Engineering student works on a device in a UMass Lowell lab.

World-class Facilities and Equipment

Gain access to numerous on-campus facilities, including:

  • An astronomical observatory
  • 1-MW research reactor and a 5-MV particle accelerator for nuclear science and applications
  • Fabrication facilities for space-mission instrumentation
  • Optical and NMR spectroscopic and imaging equipment
  • Femtosecond pulsed lasers
  • Sophisticated terahertz imaging capabilities
A finger points to a string vibrating in a UMass Lowell physics classroom

Fun Outside the Classroom

Put your learning into practice. Check out some of the fun ways UML students come together.

Physics students work with lab equipment at UMass Lowell

Bachelor’s-to-Master's Program

Get on the fast track to an advanced degree with our combined bachelor's-to-master's program.

  • Available to juniors and seniors with a grade point average of 3.000 or better
  • Offers a continuous, coordinated sequence of courses
  • Reduced credit-hour requirements can save you time and money

What can you do with a degree in physics?

UMass Lowell physics graduates are prepared to continue to graduate school or to launch careers in educational institutions, small businesses, industrial firms, government laboratories and non-profit research centers.

Physics equipment glowing purple in a UMass Lowell laboratory

Alumni from our program have worked at:

  • Canberra Industries, Inc.
  • Draper Laboratory
  • Dupont
  • Los Alamos National Lab
  • MIT Lincoln Labs
  • MITRE Corporation
  • Oak Ridge National Lab
  • Raytheon
  • U.S. Department of Energy
  • U.S. Naval Research Lab

Meet Our Students

Shanice Kelly works in a lab with another student
Shanice Kelly '21
Physics and Mechanical Engineering

Shanice Kelly is a leader in multiple campus clubs because she wants to get more students of color involved in STEM, especially space science programs.

If I want to see certain things happen, it doesn’t seem right to leave it to other people to do them.
Read More About Shanice Kelly 
Nazeli Acosta, in medical garb and mask, tests a patient's temperature
Nazeli Acosta '20

Nazeli Acosta won a State Department Scholarship to study rural health care in the Dominican Republic.

Physics appeals to my intellectual curiosity and learning for the sake of learning.
Read More About Nazeli Acosta 
UMass Lowell physics student Dashon Jones talks with a student while standing before a computer screen displaying data.
Dashon Jones '23

Honors physics alum Dashon Jones ’23 took advantage of research opportunities on and off campus.

I heard great things about the university’s STEM programs and research opportunities.
Read More About Dashon Jones 
Rigel Cappallo env image
Rigel Cappallo ’13, ’16, ’19

Triple River Hawk Rigel Cappallo ’13, ’16, ’19 went from pianist to physicist.

I really loved the relationship that I had with the entire faculty and staff in the physics department.
Read More About Rigel Cappallo