Associate Professor, Director of Peace & Conflict StudiesPolitical Science, Peace and Conflict Studies, Global Studies
Islamic transnational movements, Islamic Legal Thought, Democratization in the Muslim World
- Phone(978) 934-4252
- EmailDeina_Abdelkader@uml.edu
Professor, Curriculum and InstructionSchool of EducationScience Education, Faculty Professional Development, Professional Learning Communities
Assistant ProfessorMusic
Instrumental music education and modern band; Remote music making and telematics.
- Phone978-934-2760
- Emailseth_adams@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorArt and Design Department
Animation and Interactive Media
- Phone978-934-5268
- EmailPouya_Afshar@uml.edu
Professor, Program Coordinator M.Ed. Educ. Admin. - Higher Ed.School of Education
- Phone978-934-4615
- EmailAJ_Angulo@uml.edu
Professor, Internship CoordinatorEnglish
Charles Dickens, Victorian Fiction, British Literature, Transatlantic Studies, Digital Humanities, Service-Learning
- Phone978-934-4199
- EmailDiana_Archibald@uml.edu
Associate Professor, Associate Dean of Undergraduate StudiesWorld Languages and Cultures Department
- Phone978-934-3178
- EmailDaniel_ArroyoRodriguez@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorWorld Languages and Cultures Department
20th and 21st century French literature; Québec studies; Gender and sexuality
- Phone978-934-4035
- EmailMercedes_Baillargeon@uml.edu
Visiting Lecturer of SpanishWorld Languages and Cultures
Applied Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Motivation and Persistence in Language Learning, Educational Leadership and Diversity.
- Phone978-934-2806
- EmailDavid_BalmacedaMarenco@uml.edu
Clinical Psychology; Mental Health and Well Being
- Phone978-934-3945
- EmailSteve_Balsis@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorSchool of Education
Curriculum & Instruction
- Phone(978) 934-4606
- EmailElizabeth_Bifuh@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorEnglish
History of Computing, Digital Literacy, Science & Technology Studies, Professional & Technical Writing
- Phone978-934-5277
- EmailMichael_Black@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorPsychology
Child Maltreatment, Psychology & Law, Memory for Trauma, Child Eyewitness Testimony, Prevention Science
- Phone978-934-3937
- EmailStephanie_Block@uml.edu
Professor Emerit, Emerit Faculty Director-ADVANCE Office for Faculty Equity, Distinguished Professor, Emerit Director of WAVESPsychology
Community psychology, workplace diversity and interpersonal dynamics
- EmailMeg_Bond@uml.edu
Instructor in French StudiesWorld Languages and Cultures Department
French Studies and Culture
- Phone978-934-4021
- EmailDanielle_Boutwell@uml.edu
Associate Teaching ProfessorEnglish
The horror genre, film studies, composition and rhetoric
- Phone978-934-4197
- Emaildina_bozicas@uml.edu
Professor and Ph.D. Program DirectorSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
- Phone978-934-4778
- EmailPauline_Brennan@uml.edu
Clinical Associate ProfessorCurriculum & Instruction
Teacher Preparation
- Phone978-934-4656
- EmailJohn_Brown@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorHistory, SCORE
African American History, African Diaspora, Black Canada
- Phone978-934-4273
- EmailDaniel_Broyld@uml.edu
Professor EmeritaSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Domestic violence, with a specific focus on criminal justice & societal interventions; victimology; police organizations & behavior.
- Phone978-934-4262
- EmailEva_Buzawa@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching Professor, Art History Program CoordinatorArt & Design Department, Climate Change Initiative
- Phone978-934-4290
- EmailJennifer_CaderoGillette@uml.edu
Visiting Instructor in Criminology & Justice Studies, Undergraduate Academic Advisor & Retention Coordinator, Online and Continuing Education Program CoordinatorCriminology & Justice Studies
- Phone978-934-4626
- EmailAngela_Callahan@uml.edu
Early Modern Europe, Renaissance Italy, Western Civilization
- Phone978-934-4277
- EmailChristopher_Carlsmith@uml.edu
Associate Director of Sound Recording TechnologyMusic
Sound recording technology
- Phone978-934-3861
- Emailwilliam_carman@uml.edu
Interdisciplinary Programs Coordinator, Adjunct Faculty, Dean Bergeron International Relations Club AdviserPolitical Science
- Phone978-934-6785
- EmailJason_Carter@uml.edu
Associate Teaching ProfessorMusic Department
Electroacoustic composition and performance, Video game music (composition, performance, and arrangement), Live looping, Hardware and software design, Microcontrollers, Interactive media
- Phone978-934-4000
- EmailRamon_Castillo@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorPolitical Science
Comparative Politics, Political Behavior, Elections and Voting Behavior, Survey Research
- Phone978-934-2551
- Emailrodrigo_castrocornejo@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorHistory
Early American History, Public History
- Phone(978) 934-4529
- EmailAbigail_Chandler@uml.edu
Associate Teaching ProfessorArt & Design Department
- Phone978-934-5855
- EmailPadmini_Chandrasekaran@uml.edu
Emeritus ProfessorHistory
US Diplomatic History, Modern Chinese History, and Asian American History
- Phone978-934-4282
- EmailShehong_Chen@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorPolitical Science, Climate Change Initiative
American Politics, Political Methodology
- Phone978-934-5380
- EmailJohn_Cluverius@uml.edu
Associate Teaching ProfessorMusic Department
Music History, Jazz History
- Phone978-934-3863
- Emailtimothy_crain@uml.edu
Associate Professor, Director of the First Year Writing ProgramEnglish
- Phone978-934-6356
- EmailAnn_Dean@uml.edu
Associate Professor of Italian StudiesWorld Languages and Cultures
19th & 20th Century Italian Literature, Women’s Studies & Life Writing, Italian Cinema, Foreign Language Education
- Phone978-934-4080
- EmailGiulia_DeLisle@uml.edu
Clinical & community psychology; Immigrant psychology & families; Diversity; Feminism
- Phone978-934-3916
- Emailkhanh_dinh@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorHistory
The Reformation, History of Christianity, and World Civilization
- Phone978-934-3947
- EmailAndrew_Drenas@uml.edu
Care work; intersectionality; labor market inequalities; research methods; and social policy.
- Phone978-934-4329
- EmailMignon_Duffy@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorSchool of Criminology & Justice Studies
Prosecution; Courtroom decision making; Social inequality; Applied research; Agency-level criminal justice policy
- Phone978-934-4139
- Emailrebecca_dunlea@uml.edu
Associate Professor, Director of Global Studies Ph.D. ProgramPolitical Science
Political and Criminal Violence, Drug Trade and Crime, Latin American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, Political Economy of Development
- Phone978-934-5136
- Emailangelica_duranmartinez@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorPsychology
Youth participatory action research, Critical community psychology, Conflict transformation and peacebuilding, Northeast India/South Asia
- Phone978-934-2227
- EmailUrmitapa_Dutta@uml.edu
Department Chair, Professor, Director of the Center for Public OpinionPolitical Science, Global Studies, Digital Media, Public Administration
American Politics, Elections, Voting, Survey Research
- Phone978-934-3229
- EmailJoshua_Dyck@uml.edu
Social theory; war and peace; class inequality; political sociology; globalization
- Phone978-934-4304
- Emaildaniel_egan@uml.edu
Visiting LecturerSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Rehabilitation, Program Evaluation, Risk Assessment, Sex Offending, Violent Extremism
- Phone 978-934-4118
- EmailIan_Elliott@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorEconomics
Macroeconomics, International Economics, Labor Economics
- Phone978-934-2789
- Emailbrendan_epstein@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorPhilosophy
- Areas of Specialization: Bioethics, Military Ethics, Public Health Ethics
- Areas of Competence: Philosophy of Science, Political Philosophy, Health Care Policy, Security Studies
- Phone978-934-3996
- EmailNicholas_Evans@uml.edu
Dean EmeritusCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Center for Population Health
- Phone978-934-3843
- EmailLuis_Falcon@uml.edu
Visiting LecturerMusic Department
Percussion, Percussion Ensemble
- Phone978-934-3850
- EmailJeffrey_Fischer@uml.edu
Assistant Professor
Writing Studies, Language Policy, the English Language
- Phone978-934-4124
- EmailKatherine_Flowers@uml.edu
Clinical Professor, Curriculum and Instruction, Graduate Coordinator for Teacher Preparation M.Ed.School of Education
- Phone(978) 934-4622
- EmailPatricia_Fontaine@uml.edu
Professor; Director of Security StudiesSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
International security studies, terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, homeland security.
- Phone978-934-4773
- EmailJames_Forest@uml.edu
Distinguished University Professor, Co-Director, Senior Research FellowHistory
U.S. History, Labor Studies, Global Development, Industrial History
- Phone978-934-2904
- EmailRobert_Forrant@uml.edu
Associate Professor, Architectural Studies Program DirectorArt & Design Department, Climate Change Initiative
- Phone978-934-3482
- EmailMarie_Frank@uml.edu
Teaching Professor, Co-Director - Center for Autism Research and Education (CARE)Psychology, Center for Autism Research and Education (CARE)
Research methods, statistics, adolescent psychopathology, emerging adulthood
- Phone978-934-4000
- EmailAlice_Frye@uml.edu
Visiting LecturerMusic Department
Bass Guitar, Music Theory, Jazz Ensembles
- Phone978-934-3850
- Emailcharles_gabriel@uml.edu
ProfessorEconomics, Climate Change Initiative, Center for Women & Work
Labor economics, the economics of disability, applied econometrics, scholarship of teaching and learning
- Phone978-934-2790
- EmailMonica_Galizzi@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorPhilosophy
Intercultural Philosophy, Asian Philosophy, Philosophy of Race and Gender, Continental Philosophy
- Phone978-934-2528
- Emailjames_garrison@uml.edu
Applied cognition, applications of memory and metacognition to educational, business, legal, and training environments; Aging and cognition, memory changes associated with aging and Alzheimer's disease; Metacognition, assessments of self and other knowledge; Self-perception and aging.
- Phone978-934-3955
- EmailLisa_Geraci@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorPolitical Science, SCORE
American Politics, Politics and Sports, State and Local Politics
- Phone978-934-4255
- EmailJeffrey_Gerson@uml.edu
Visiting Lecturer in Portuguese StudiesWorld Languages & Cultures
- Phone978-934-5967
- EmailDiana_GomesSimoes@uml.edu
Chair, Associate Professor, CWW AssociatePsychology, Center for Women & Work (CWW)
Latent Variable Modeling; Longitudinal Data Analysis; Intensive Multivariate Dynamics; Research Design and Methodology
- Phone978-934-3966
- EmailJoseph_Gonzales@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching ProfessorPolitical Science, Climate Change Initiative
Latin American Politics, Comparative Politics, Global Environment
- Phone978-934-4256
- EmailVanessa_Gray@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies, Center for Terrorism & Security Studies
Mass and school shootings; terrorism; situational crime prevention; threat assessment; open-source methodology
- Phone978-934-4139
- EmailEmily_GreeneColozzi@uml.edu
Associate Teaching ProfessorEnglish
ESL Exposition, the Research Process, Linguistic Analysis, Gender & Nineteenth Century British Gothic Fiction, British Travel Literature & National Identity.
- Phone978-934-3960
- EmailMilena_Gueorguieva@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorSociology
Immigration, Race and Ethnicity, Media studies, Qualitative Methods, Globalization and Transnationalism (with a focus on Asian Americans and Muslims in the West plugged in the capital intensive labor markets)
- Phone978-934-4123
- EmailMaheen_Haider@uml.edu
Professor, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs - FAHSSSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Mental illness & the criminal justice system; sex offender management policy; juvenile justice policy & practice.
- Phone978-934-3978
- EmailAndrew_Harris@uml.edu
Associate Professor, Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Transfer Student AdvisorSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Policing, Police Accountability, Youth/Gang Violence Reduction Strategies
- Phone(978) 934-4105
- EmailChristopher_Harris@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorPolitical Science, Climate Change Initiative
International Security, Foreign Policy, Global Environmental Politics
- Phone978-934-2732
- EmailJarrod_Hayes@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorEconomics, Climate Change Initiative
Environmental Economics and Policy, Risk, Natural Hazards, Disaster Mitigation, Climate Change
- Phone978-934-2772
- EmailKelly_Hellman@uml.edu
Professor, Director for the Center for Autism Research and Education (CARE), Coordinator for the Interdisciplinary Minor in Disability Studies.Psychology
Autism spectrum disorder; Adolescents and young adults; Adult outcome; Employment; College/university; Mentoring.
- Phone978-934-2930
- Emailashleigh_hillier@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorPsychology
Health psychology, psychophysiology, victimization & women's health
- Phone978-934-3963
- Emailivy_ho@uml.edu
Associate Teaching ProfessorPhilosophy
Metaphysics, Feminism and Gender Studies
- Phone978-934-2252
- EmailChrista_Hodapp@uml.edu
Associate Professor with Tenure, Master’s Program CoordinatorSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Commercial sex market, human trafficking, forced migration, refugees and risk
- EmailAmber_Ruf@uml.edu
Co-Director for Community Research and EngagementPsychology
Adult development & aging, adolescence, personality, cross-cultural psychology, the psychology of gender & research methods, service learning
- Phone978-934-3979
- EmailAndrew_Hostetler@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorEnglish
Digital Humanities, Victorian Literature, Print Culture
- Phone978-934-5278
- EmailNatalie_Houston@uml.edu
Chair, Associate ProfessorSchool of Education, ADVANCE Office for Faculty Equity
- Phone978-934-4608
- EmailHsienYuan_Hsu@uml.edu
Adjunct ProfessorHonors CollegeInternational Political Economy and Development
- Phone978-934-4221
- EmailEsther_Jackvickers@uml.edu
Associate Teaching ProfessorEconomics
Economic growth and development, income inequality, migration
- Phone978-934-2779
- Emailnienhuei_jiang@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching ProfessorPsychology
Children/family interactions with legal system, child maltreatment, prevention science, research methods, psychology and law.
- Phone978-934-3967
- EmailHannah_Johnson@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorMusic
Music's function in human development from the perspective of music education
- Phone978-934-3829
- EmailElissa_JohnsonGreen@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorPolitical Science
International Relations, Civil War, and Political Methodology
- Phone978-934-6303
- Emailminhyung_joo@uml.edu
Visiting Faculty LecturerEnglish
Children's and Young Adult literature; First Year Writing instruction
- Phone978-934-4087
- EmailMelissa_Juchniewicz@uml.edu
Aesthetics, Philosophy of Mind, American Philosophy
- Phone978-934-2548
- EmailJohn_Kaag@uml.edu
Adjunct FacultySchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Family Law
Assistant Dean, Associate Teaching ProfessorArt & Design Department
- Phone978-934-4780
- EmailWael_Kamal@uml.edu
Ethics (Theoretical and Applied), Philosophy of Law, Environmental Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion
- Phone978-934-3913
- EmailWhitley_Kaufman@uml.edu
Associate Professor, Language Arts and LiteracySchool of Education
- Phone978-934-4614
- EmailMinjeong_Kim@uml.edu
Dean of Fine Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (FAHSS)College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Contemporary literature, literary theory, Asian American studies, narrative theory, gender, class
- Phone978-934-4408
- EmailSue_Kim@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching ProfessorSchool of Education
Mathematics Education; Mathematical Discourse
- Phone(978) 934-4674
- EmailKatherine_King@uml.edu
Senior Adjunct Faculty, FAHSS Advisory BoardLegal Studies
Contract Law, Business Law, Personal Injury, Civil Litigation and Criminal Defense.
- EmailPaul_King@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorEconomics, SWIMMER, Global Studies, Climate Change Initiative
Experimental Economics, Environmental Economics, Public Policy
- Phone978-934-2755
- EmailDavid_Kingsley@uml.edu
Professor EmeritusEconomics, Climate Change Initiative
Applied Macro and Micro Models, Energy & Environmental Economics, Economics of Occupational Health
Associate Teaching ProfessorMusic Department
Music Composition, Music Theory, Sound Recording Technology
- Phone978-934-3149
- EmailChristopher_Lee@uml.edu
Associate Professor, Co-director of Center for Asian American StudiesSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies, Center for Asian American Studies (CAAS), Center for Terrorism and Security Studies (CTSS)
Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Cyberterrorism, Technologies & Society, Social Media, Immigration
- Phone978-934-4259
- EmailClaire_Lee@uml.edu
Associate Professor, Director of the Bachelor of Liberal Arts programPolitical Science
International Relations; International Political Theory; International Ethics
- Phone978-934-4249
- Emailadam_lerner@uml.edu
Teaching ProfessorSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Mental health issues in the Criminal Justice system, especially Corrections; Self-handicapping behavior
- Phone978-934-4129
- EmailCathy_Levey@uml.edu
Associate Clinical Professor, UTeach DirectorSchool of Education
- STEM Teacher Preparation
- Science Teacher Coach
- Phone978-934-3441
- EmailSumudu_Lewis@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorPsychology
Behavior analysis, behavioral health; instructional design; applied behavioral pharmacology; developmental disabilities; diversity
- Emailanita_li@uml.edu
Poetry & Poetics; 20th-Century American Literature
- Phone978-934-4194
- Emailsandra_lim@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Civil wars, political violence, terrorism and security studies
Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA); Instructor in Chinese StudiesWorld Languages and Cultures
- Emailpeimiao_liu@uml.edu
Chair, Associate ProfessorSociology
Gender, sexuality, migration, qualitative methods
- Phone978-934-5447
- EmailCheryl_Llewellyn@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Risk Assessment, Prison Classification, Correctional Officer Training, Restrictive Housing, Substance Abuse Treatment Programs
- Phone978-934-3106
- EmailJoshua_Long@uml.edu
Assistant Professor, Curriculum and InstructionSchool of Education
Research and Evaluation in Education, Educational Leadership
- Phone978-934-3108
- EmailHilary_Lustick@uml.edu
Director, University BandsMusic
Instrumental ensembles; Arranging
- Phone978-934-3883
- EmailDaniel_Lutz@uml.edu
Associate Teaching ProfessorPsychology
Applied Behavior Analysis
- Phone978-934-4205
- EmailRebecca_Markovits@uml.edu
Associate Chair, ProfessorEnglish
Gothic novel, American literature, law & literature, New England witchcraft trials, disability in literature
- Phone978-934-4179
- EmailBridget_Marshall@uml.edu
Visiting Lecturer, Pre-Law Advisor
- Phone978-934-5454
- EmailDavid_McCauley@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorPhilosophy
History and philosophy of biology, epistemology of science, science and values
- Phone978-934-5993
- Emailalison_mcconwell@uml.edu
Professor, MSP PresidentEconomics
Use of technology in older adult populations
- Phone978-934-2784
- EmailCarol_McDonough@uml.edu
Associate Professor, Curriculum and InstructionCurriculum and Instruction
Students with emotional and behavioral disorders; students with learning disabilities; positive behavior supports; single-case research; observation research; What Works Clearinghouse certified reviewer of single-case research
- EmailJohn_McKenna@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorPsychology
Social Epigenetics, DNA Methylation, Biological Embedding, Psychosocial Intervention, Parenting, Attachment, Biomarker Characterization and Development, Social Determinates of Health
- Phone978-934-2561
- EmailSarah_Merrill@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorPsychology
Pediatric health psychology; childhood chronic conditions; asthma; sleep; pain; behavior genetics; ecological momentary assessment
- Phone978-934-3941
- EmailSamantha_Miadich@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching ProfessorEnglish
Composition and Literature
- Phone978-934-4086
- EmailTracy_Michaels@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching Professor, RHSA MentorSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies, River Hawk Scholars Academy (RHSA)
- Phone(978) 934-5455
- EmailYahayra_Michel@uml.edu
Associate Teaching ProfessorArt and Design Department, Climate Change Initiative
- Phone978-934-4000
- EmailRegina_Milan@uml.edu
Associate Teaching Professor, Performance CoordinatorMusic Department
Music Performance- Guitar
- Phone978-934-3616
- EmailJoshua_Millard@uml.edu
ProfessorEnglish, Climate Change Initiative
British and American modernist literature, composition and rhetoric, and gender studies.
- Phone978-934-4190
- EmailMarlowe_Miller@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorEnglish, American Studies
American Studies; a globally oriented American Literary Studies (especially of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries); Political & Critical Theory; Public Humanities & Digital Humanities; Gender & LGBQ Studies
- Phone978-934-4183
- EmailMichael_Millner@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorEnglish
African American, Caribbean and Nineteenth & Twentieth century American literature
- Phone978-934-4734
- EmailKeith_Mitchell@uml.edu
American Social, Labor, and Environmental History.
- Phone(978) 934-4275
- Emailchad_montrie@uml.edu
Professor, Associate Chair - School of Criminology & Justice StudiesSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Policing Innovation, behavioral health, sexual assault case attrition
- Phone978-934-4256
- EmailMelissa_Morabito@uml.edu
Visiting LecturerHistory
Nineteenth-Century American History, African-American History, Transnational History, Public History
Emeritus ProfessorEconomics
Labor Economics, Community Economic Development, Public Policy Analyst
- EmailPhilip_Moss@uml.edu
Professor EmeritaPsychology, Gender Studies
Community psychology and women's studies
- Emailanne_mulvey@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorSociology
Sociology of disability; intersections of gender, ability, and (dis)ability; interdisciplinary and intersectional approaches to women and work; gender studies; qualitative research methods; and feminist methodologies.
- Phone978-934-4302
- EmailCheryl_ NajarianSouza@uml.edu
Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs; Associate Professor; ADVANCE Office for Faculty Equity & Resilience Advisory BoardOffice of Provost, Department of English
- Phone978-934-4191
- EmailJulie_Nash@uml.edu
Professor Emeritus, Leadership in SchoolingSchool of Education
Teaching and educational leadership
- Phone978-934-4619
- EmailJames_Nehring@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorSociology, Center for Asian American Studies (CAAS)
Health; race and ethnicity; quantitative research methods; deviance; religion
- Emailfanhao_nie@uml.edu
Associate Professor with TenureSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Policing, race and justice, immigration, neighborhoods and crime, public opinion, comparative criminology
- Phone(978) 934-4136
- EmailJoselyne_nkogo@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorArt & Design Department, Climate Change Initiative
- Phone978-934-3490
- EmailYuko_Oda@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorSociology
Racism; Sexism; Qualitative methods; Emotional labor; New media spaces
- Phone978-934-4123
- EmailStephanie_Ortiz@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Substance Abuse, Hidden Populations, Qualitative Research Methods
- Phone978-934-6844
- EmailWilson_Palacios@uml.edu
Associate Chair; Associate Professor; Applied Psychology & Prevention Science Ph.D. Program CoordinatorPsychology
Episodic memory, visual search, unfamiliar face perception/recognition, attentional/viewing fields, eye-tracking, pupillometry
- Phone978-934-3968
- Emailmegan_papesh@uml.edu
Professor and ChairSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Corrections, gender-based violence, policy analysis, technology
- Phone978-934-4145
- EmailApril_Pattavina@uml.edu
ProfessorSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies, Climate Change Initiative
Political Violence and Extremism, Security Policy and Politics, Far-Right Politics (Europe, US and Israel), Political Socialization, Middle Eastern Politics, Research Methodology (SNA).
- Phone978-934-4268
- EmailArie_Perliger@uml.edu
Teaching Professor, Associate Director of Bachelor of Liberal Arts (BLA) ProgramEnglish
Composition and Literature; Renaissance Literature
- Phone978-934-4095
- Emailkevin_petersen@uml.edu
Associate Teaching ProfessorEnglish
Transatlantic literature; autobiographical narrative & minority identity; gender in literature; digital culture
- Phone413-992-8220
- EmailJill_Pruett@uml.edu
Chair, ProfessorEconomics
Development Economics, Financial Economics, Labor Economics
- Phone978-934-2786
- Emailshakil_quayes@uml.edu
Professor EmeritaSociology, Climate Change Initiative
Areas of expertise include social change, work and inequality, and gender and science.
- Phone978-934-2902
- EmailPaula_Rayman@uml.edu
Economic inequality, International economics
- Phone978-934-2796
- EmailAnne_Rhoads@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorEnglish
Rhetoric and Composition; Publishing and Editing; Gender and Sexuality; Digital Rhetoric and Video Games
- Phone978-934-4115
- EmailRebecca_Richards@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching Professor, Director of Choral ActivitiesMusic
Choral Music, Music Education
- Phone978-934-6267
- EmailJonathan_Richter@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorArt & Design Department, Climate Change Initiative
- Phone978-934-3586
- EmailKaren_Roehr@uml.edu
Director, Digital Media, Associate Teaching ProfessorArt & Design Department
- Phone978-934-5793
- EmailPavel_Romaniko@uml.edu
Associate Professor, Program Coordinator Applied Behavior Analysis and Autism StudiesPsychology
Applied Behavior Analysis
- Phone978-934-4305
- Emailrocio_rosales@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching Professor, Foundations Coordinator, Freshman Coordinator, Transfer CoordinatorArt and Design Department
- Phone978-934-3498
- EmailMichael_Roundy@uml.edu
Assistant Professor of SpanishWorld Languages and Cultures
- Phone978-934-4293
- EmailOscar_RuizHernandez@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies, Center for Program Evaluation
Quantitative Methods, Program Evaluation, Recidivism, Sex Offense Policy
- Phone(978) 934-4173
- EmailJason_Rydberg@uml.edu
Assistant Professor
Ancient History, Roman Social and Economic History
- Phone978-934-5232
- EmailJane_Sancinito@uml.edu
Associate Teaching ProfessorArt & Design Department
- Phone978-934-3442
- EmailMelissa_Schrenker@uml.edu
Clinical Professor, Mathematics and Science EducationSchool of Education
- Phone978-934-4672
- EmailMichelle_Scribner@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorEnglish
Shakespeare, early modern literature & culture, performance theory, theatre history, theatre arts.
- Phone978-934-4185
- Emailnancy_selleck@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching ProfessorArt and Design, Digital Media
- Phone978-934-3494
- EmailIan_Sexton@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorPsychologyDevelopmental psychology, childhood Injury prevention, cognitive rehabilitation, technology, intervention, clinical trials, national database analysis, meta-analysis.
- Phone978-934-3965
- EmailJiabin_Shen@uml.edu
Associate Professor, Undergraduate Program CoordinatorSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Violence prevention and control, Sexual violence
- Phone978-934-4335
- EmailRyan_Shields@uml.edu
ProfessorMusic Department
Sound recording and mixing, music technology, Max/MSP, composition, performance, electroacoustic music, & harmonica
- EmailJohn_Shirley@uml.edu
Director, Center for Terrorism and Security Studies, Associate ProfessorSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Terrorism, Security, malevolent creativity & innovation, decision-making.
- Phone978-934-4045
- EmailNeil_Shortland@uml.edu
Associate Teaching ProfessorEnglish
Early Modern Literature & Culture; Online Pedagogy, Digital Culture
- Phone978-934-4089
- EmailKatherine_Shrieves@uml.edu
Department Chair, ProfessorEnglish, American Studies, SCORE
Journalism, American Studies, Composition and Popular Culture
- Phone978-934-4189
- EmailJonathan_Silverman@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorPsychology
Qualitative research methodology, Narrative analysis, Critical Social Psychology, Migration research.
- Phone978-934-3145
- EmailJana_Sladkova@uml.edu
Associate Professor, MPA Interim DirectorPolitical Science
- Phone978-934-5229
- EmailAaron_SmithWalter@uml.edu
ProfessorSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Public Opinion, punitivity, and crime control policies; Reentry and ‘sex crime’ policies; Spatial Analysis/GIS; Experimental and quasi-experimental designs
- Phone978-934-4999
- EmailKelly_Socia@uml.edu
Professor of Portuguese, Director of the Saab Center for Portuguese StudiesWorld Languages and Cultures Department
- Phone978-934-5199
- EmailFrank_Sousa@uml.edu
Creative Nonfiction, Literary Journalism
- Phone978-934-2513
- EmailMaureen_Stanton@uml.edu
Assistant Professor in Francophone StudiesWorld Languages and Cultures
Chair, ProfessorHistory
Global/Comparative/Cross-Cultural Historical Perspectives; Native American and African History
- Phone978-934-4263
- EmailChristoph_Strobel@uml.edu
Visiting Faculty of Southeast Asian Studies and History
Asian American Studies, U.S.-Asia relations (Southeast Asia), History of Southeast Asia, Southeast Asian American refugee experiences, oral history
- Phone978-934-3217
- EmailChristine_Su@uml.edu
Senior Lecturer EmeritaEnglish
Business Writing, Early Twentieth Century British Fiction, Oral Communication, Editing & Publishing
- Phone978-934-4111
- EmailRita_Sullivan@uml.edu
Professor of EnglishEnglish
Nineteenth and Twentieth Century American Literature, Southern Literature, American Poetry
- Phone978-934-3097
- EmailAnthony_Szczesiul@uml.edu
Associate Dean of Online Education, Accreditation & Licensing FAHSS, Associate ProfessorSchool of Education
- Phone978-934-4633
- EmailStacy_Szczesiul@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorEconomics
International Trade, Labor Economics
- Phone978-934-2783
- EmailTommaso_Tempesti@uml.edu
ProfessorPolitical Science
Comparative Politics, International Relations, Southeast Asian Politics
- Phone978-934-4238
- EmailArdeth_Thawnghmung@uml.edu
Associate Teaching Professor, LSAC Pre-Law AdvisorSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Business Law, Employment Law, Litigation, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, Courts, Ethics.
- Phone(978) 934-2765
- EmailWalter_Toomey@uml.edu
Associate Teaching Professor in Latin American StudiesDepartment of World Languages & Cultures
- Phone978-934-4079
- Emailmax_ubelaker@uml.edu
Associate Professor, Leadership in Schooling, Graduate Coordinator for Ed.D Programs, and Co-director of Center for Asian American StudiesSchool of Education, Center for Asian American Studies (CAAS)
Southeast Asian American students' educational experiences; family and community engagement; teaching diverse populations; justice, equity, diversity, & inclusion trainer; professional development provider
- Phone978-934-4612
- EmailPhitsamay_Uy@uml.edu
Associate Teaching Professor, Coordinator of Sound Recording TechnologyMusic Department
Sound Recording Technology, Composition, Electroacoustic music
- Phone978-934-3826
- EmailBrandon_Vaccaro@uml.edu
Director of Legal Studies, Teaching ProfessorSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Business Law and Ethics, Commercial Transactions, Business Entities, Real Estate Law, Estate Planning and Administration
- Phone978-934-2822
- EmailMichelle_Veilleux@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching Professor of Italian StudiesWorld Languages and Cultures
19th century Italian literature, Italian Risorgimento, Mediterranean studies, second language acquisition
- Phone978-934-5883
- EmailFabiana_Viglione@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorEnglish
Rhetoric and Composition, Gender & Sexuality Studies
- Phone978-934-4655
- Emailjenna_vinson@uml.edu
Assistant ProfessorSociology
Race/racism, Bi/multiracial Americans, Intersections of race and gender, Qualitative research methods
- Phone978-934-4123
- EmailChandra_Waring@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching ProfessorMusic
Music Education, leadership, diversity, and culture. Program Supervisor of Teacher Candidates in the Masters of Music Education Degree
- Phone978-934-3879
- EmailJanet_Welby@uml.edu
Assistant Professor of Special EducationSchool of Education
Single case Design Research, Multi-tiered systems of Support, Early literacy and behavioral Intervention, Immigrant Family empowerment and engagement, International Special Education
- Phone978-934-4676
- EmailRobai_Werunga@uml.edu
Dean of the Honors College; Associate Professor of Political SciencePolitical Science
Media Freedom, Comparative and International Political Communication, Human Rights, Repression and Dissent, International Relations, Research Methods
Professor; Coordinator of Music Business, MusicianshipMusic Department
Music Business
- Phone978-934-3868
- EmailAlan_Williams@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorHistory
History of the Modern Middle East, Ottoman History, Environmental, economic, and social history
- Phone978-934-4262
- Emailelizabeth_williams@uml.edu
Emeritus Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Acting Director 2016-17Political Science, Climate Change Initiative
Public Policy, International Political Economy, British Politics
- Phone978-934-4257
- EmailJohn_Wooding@uml.edu
Assistant Teaching ProfessorEconomics
Environmental economics, behavioral and experimental economics, applied econometrics, development economics, cliimate change economics
- Phone978-934-2780
- Emailchenyang_xu@uml.edu
Associate ProfessorHistory
Modern French, European and Colonial History
- Phone978-934-4276
- EmailPatrick_Young@uml.edu
ProfessorSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Transnational Organized Crime, Human Trafficking, Offender Re-entry and Rehabilitation, Program Evaluation.
- Phone978-934-4160
- EmailSheldon_Zhang@uml.edu