Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS)

In recent years the development and use of affordable drones for recreation and commercial applications has grown exponentially. Due to numerous near miss collisions with manned aircraft as well as security/terrorism concerns with their use, the Federal Aviation Administration has chosen to regulate Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) or Drones that operate in the National Airspace System (NAS). In August 2016 new Federal Regulation took effect which regulate all non-recreational operations of sUAS or Drones. In accordance with these Federal regulations (14 CFR part 107), UML has established this policy to ensure our campus complies with FAA regulations.

It is the Policy of UML to comply with Federal Aviation Regulations, part 107 in relation to the operation of all Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) or Drones on Campus property and at any authorized activity involving UML faculty/Staff or students (including contractors)

This program is applicable to the use & operation of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) or drones on the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) campus and other property and the National Airspace System above the campus and associated properties


  • No person is authorized to operate a Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) on or above UML property without complying with 14 CFR Part 107 Federal Aviation Regulation.  
  • The sUAS must be registered (over 250grams/0.55 pounds) with FAA
  • the unmanned pilot must be licensed through FAA (non –recreational/commercial). For educational purposes, drones may be operated without an FAA license (under the recreational category) provided the remote pilot is not engaged in a commercial flight. 
  • In additional all, sUAS operations require UML-Environmental Health & Safety approval prior to flight regardless of activity. 
  • The requesting person or organization may be requested to provide documentation demonstrating that the unmanned pilot is authorized to fly. This procedure applies to UML officially authorized flights off campus as well.


Contractors wishing to operate sUAS/Drones off of UML property must have their drones registered with FAA, be licensed via FAA Part 107 and have approval from UML EHS (appendix A). A Drone insurance policy may also be required prior to flight.

AuthorizationUML Authorization

Upon demonstration that an individual, user group or contractor meets FAA regulations regarding small unmanned aircraft and has provided the operational flight details (on or off campus), EHS will issue an authorization permit of the Activity.  This UML authorization in no way supersedes FAA regulations and requirements. Contact us for more information

Complete this permit if you intend, prior to launch, to fly a drone, etc. on campus.

PilotPilot: Requirements – Unmanned Pilot in Command

To fly a sUAS or Drone at UML in the National Airspace System, the remote Pilot in Command needs the following:

  1. An FAA issued Airman’s Certificate (Pilots License), under 14 CFR part 61 and a sUAS certificate under part 107
  2. An unmanned sUAS pilot certificate under part 107 issues by the FAA
  3. Exception: Drones that are operated within a structure (building), are exempt from most sUAS requirements under Part 107
  4. Exception: Drones operated under the recreation/education (Non-Commercial) regulations by persons not paid.

FlightFlight: Requirements to Operate in the National Airspace System

  • No sUAS may operate in excess of 400ft AGL (above Ground Level)
  • Pilot must maintain Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) with the sUAS
  • The sUAS may not be flown over people or crowds
  • Night time Operations are prohibited unless equipt with Navigation lights
  • Airspeed cannot exceed 87kts or 100 mph
  • Total gross weight must be less than 55 pounds
  • Visibility must be at least 3 miles
  • Must maintain distance from clouds (500ft below/2000ft horizontal),
  • Know what type of airspace your intended flight will be in
  • Coordinate communications with FAA authorities as required
  • Be aware of any restrictions (Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR’s), NOTAMS (Notices to Airman), MOA’s (Military Operations Areas) before flight 
  • Maintain Maintenance records for the sUAS

Incident_reportsPrior to Flight sUAS or Drone Operational Requirements 

  • Have authorization/Permit from EEM-EHS prior to flight
  • Secure Hardware to SUAS
  • Conduct a Preflight inspection
  • Coordinate with observers and alternate sUAS pilots - briefing
  • Pre plan Emergency Procedures, i.e. Flyaway
  • Check weather (wind , visibility)
  • Coordinate any required clearance from FAA/Air Traffic Control.
  • Determine direction of flight

In Flight sUAS Drone Operation Requirements

  • Use Checklist prior to flight
  • Do not fly with any impairment (alcohol/drugs)
  • Avoid distraction, such as cell phones during operation
  • Do not Fly over people or populated areas
  • Do not Fly above 400ft AGL
  • Maintain visual contact with the sUAS at all times
  • Do not exceed 87kts
  • Do not fly in restricted airspace
  • Keep clear of any other aircraft
  • Keep clear of clouds 

Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) or Drone Incidents and Reports

  • Report any Incident involving sUAS or Drones to EHS immediately by phone 978-934-2618
  • Complete a UML incident/accident report
  • Significant Accidents must be promptly reported to FAA for investigation!