Emergency response is an integral part of your overall safety.  While we hope an emergency never happens, having a response plan in advance that you practice, can save your life. UMass Lowell encourages all employees to know the campus response plans and become familiar with evacuation routes.

What do I do?

The campus emergency response guidelines are your response actions, and guide you on what to do in an emergency.  

Where do I go?

If your response requires an evacuation, talk with your colleagues and have a meet-up point outside your building.  This location must be in a safe area, maybe even have a secondary location.  This location will allow you to take a head count of your group and ensure all are accounted for.  

What to do if there is Hazardous Material Spill?

  • Move away from the hazard immediately to a safe location
  • Call UMass Lowell Police immediately at 978-934-4911 (on campus phone 4-4911), so that proper trained people can handle the spill
  • Follow instructions of emergency personnel
  • Alert others to stay clear of the area
  • Notify emergency personnel if you have been exposed to the hazard or have information about the release

General precautions for evacuations

  • Assume the alarm is real, unless you are specifically told it is a test.
  • Close doors
  • Do not take the elevator, use stairwells.
  • take the nearest safe exit.
  • return into the building, ONLY when told to do so.