Portable Ladder Safety:

Falls from portable ladders (step, straight, combination and extension) are one of the leading causes of workplace injuries and fatalities. Appropriate precautions can reduce the risk significantly. This page presents a summary of the most common items that lead to ladder injury.

Please read and understand all items prior to using any ladders on campus. If you have questions please contact EHS.

Before use instructions:

  • Read and follow all labels/markings on the ladder.
  • Always inspect ladder prior to use. If the ladder is damaged, take it out of service using lock-out tag-out or dispose of properly.
  • Avoid electrical hazards. Look over head for electrical hazards. Avoid using metal ladders near energized electrical equipment.
  • Do not use self-supporting ladders (step ladders) as a single ladder or in a partially closed position.
  • Do not exceed the capacity/weight rating of the ladder.
  • A straight or extension ladder should extend three feet higher than what you trying to climb on.

During use instructions:

  • Always maintain “three points of contact” when using a ladder (two hands and one foot or two feet and one hand). Keep your body near the middle of the ladder. Do not over reach by leaning outside of the ladder rails.
  • Position ladder on a stable & level surface.
  • Ensure ladder is placed where it will not be struck while you are on it.
  • Ensure there are no slippery materials on the rungs/steps/feet.
  • Do not stand on the top step or rung of the ladder unless it designed for that purpose.
  • Do not stand on the top three rungs of a straight or extension ladder.
  • Do not try and move or shift the ladder while on it.
  • Only use appropriate accessories for ladders and use as they were designed. Do not modify ladders.

Ladder angle:

For every 4 feet in height, the ladder should be 1 foot away from what you are climbing on


Ladder safety regulations can be found under OSHA part 1926.1053.

Based on job description, EHS offers more comprehensive training to those workers who use ladders as part of their job. If you need ladder specific training , or have questions please contact EHS.