UMass Lowell has an open-pool, 1-Mega-Watt, nuclear reactor used for investigating advanced reactor technologies and materials that will make nuclear energy cleaner, and safer. The nuclear engineering group is working on the applications of nuclear codes (MCNP, MCNPX, PHITS) to model nuclear systems, control and management of nuclear materials (ORIGEN, HELIOS, NJOY) with a member serving as a Subject Matter Expert to the IAEA and U.S. Department of State on threat assessment of cyber and physical security vulnerability to nuclear and radiological material and facilities and contributing to nuclear security topics on - insider threat, detection of radiological materials outside of regulatory control, nuclear forensics, nuclear materials and accountancy. The group also focuses on modeling of atomic to continuum transport phenomena and validated high-performance computing simulation. The research supports the development of energy technologies using high heat capacity ionic liquids including solar thermal storage, advanced fission reactors and fusion reactors.

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