Graduate Writing Services

Our mission is to support students in becoming better writers. We offer writing support to all UML students at any stage of the writing process. Whether you need assistance with brainstorming, research, organization, formatting, or editing, we can help you improve your writing skills. You can bring class assignments, dissertation or thesis work, or other writing projects such as cover letters, resumes, or scholarship or fellowship applications.

We are happy to work with you on your writing projects. If you think a writing consultation session may not meet all your needs, please feel free to contact the Writing Center Coordinator, Mary Kate Cragg by email: for more information.


For graduate students, we offer 40-minute online appointments with our Graduate Writing Consultants. Students can schedule one appointment per day and up to two per week. To book your session, click the “Book an Appointment” button above. You may have to sign in with your UML credentials to see the schedule. Once logged in, you can see all available appointment times. Find a session that works for you, then click to book. Take note of the time so that you will log on at the right time. You will receive a confirmation email of your appointment information, which will include a Zoom link for you to access your session.

Schedule a Graduate Online Tutoring Session