
Choosing to live on campus means that you have chosen to be part of a diverse community of scholars. In an effort to ensure that the needs of the community are prioritized over the needs of an individual, Residence Life has developed the following 4 level Guest and Visitor guidelines to assist residential students, and their visitors, to understand who is permitted in the residence halls at any given time. Residence Life reserves the right to move between the different Guest and Visitor Guideline levels at any time and for all of campus, a specific residence hall, or a specific residential floor community.

The current level of Guest and Visitor Guidelines will be communicated to all residents upon check-in via their UMass Lowell (UML) student email, and through posters located near the front desk in all residence hall.

It is important to note, that having residential guests visit and visitors in the residence halls is a privilege, not a guaranteed right – and may be revoked due to violations of the code of student conduct.

Guest and Visitor Definitions

  • Residential Students: are defined as an UML student with an active housing contract who resides in one of the University owned residence halls which include: Bourgeois, Concordia, Donahue, Fox, Leitch, River Hawk Village, Riverview Suites, Sheehy, and University Suites.
  • Residential Guests: are defined by UML as an individual who currently resides in a UMass Lowell residence hall.
  • UML Student Visitor: are defined as any UML student currently enrolled in face to face classes but does not resident on campus.
  • Visitors: are defined by the University as any non-student who does not reside in a UML residence hall.

Guest and Visitor Access Levels


  • No residential guests or visitors are allowed in the residence halls at this time.
  • No access for non-essential staff.


  • No visitors are allowed at this time
  • Overnight residential guests are permitted.
  • Roommate approval is required prior to having any residential guests in your room.
  • Residential guests must be pre-registered using the online check-inform through the Housing Portal and check-in with staff at the front desk upon arrival.
  • Guests are limited to 2 guests per resident. Residential guests must be escorted by the host resident at all times.
  • Review non-essential staff requesting access; non-essential staff granted access to halls on a case by case basis determined by the potential need.


  • In addition to residential guests, UML commuter student visitors who are enrolled in-person classes are permitted in the residence halls.
  • Roommate approval is required prior to having any residential guests or UML student visitors in your room.
  • Residential guests and UML student visitors must be pre-registered using the online check-inform through the Housing Portal and check-in with staff at the front desk upon arrival.
  • Residential guests and UML student visitors must be escorted by their host at all times.
  • Residents may sign in a total of either 2 residential guests or 2 UML student visitors for a maximum of 2 consecutive nights during a 7 day period.
  • Review non-essential staff requesting access; non-essential staff granted access to halls on a case by case basis determined by the potential need.


  • Residential guests and visitors, regardless of UML affiliation, are permitted in the residence halls.
  • Roommate approval is required prior to having any residential guests or visitors in your room.
  • Residential guests and UML student visitors must be pre-registered using the online check-inform through the Housing Portal and check-in with staff at the front desk upon arrival.
  • Residential guests and visitors must be escorted by the host resident at all times.
  • Residents may sign in a total of either 2 residential guests or 2 visitors for a maximum of 2 consecutive nights during a 7 day period.
  • Non-essential staff access permitted per standard Residence Life Community Living guidelines.

Guest and Visitor Registration and Sign-In Process


Guest and Visitor Registration

In order to ensure the safety and security of our students, it is necessary that we strictly enforce our guest sign-in process. Every individual is required to present valid, picture identification at the desk when they enter the building. This includes residents of the building. All non-resident guests, including residents of other buildings, must follow the guest sign-in policy. This guest policy is valid for those guests who enter the building prior to 5 p.m. and must follow the same guest procedures. All guests will receive a dated guest pass or electronic approval (depending on building). These guest passes are only good for the building and date issued. Guests must have this identification on their person at all times. Their host must escort them at all times while in the building.

  1. Click the guest and visitor tab on the Housing Portal.
  2. Read the acknowledgement of the Guest and Visitor guidelines and sign with your student ID number.
  3. Click on new reservation. If you are signing in a new guest click "Add a visitor."
  4. If you are signing in a previous guest again, click on the three dots to the right of their name and click "Reserve Again."
  5. Enter your guest's information and click "Save and Continue."

Guest and Visitor Sign-In Process

In our efforts to ensure the safety and security of our students, it is necessary that we strictly enforce our guest sign-in process. Every guest or visitor entering a residence hall must present a valid picture identification at the hall’s lobby desk when they enter the building. This includes residents of the building. Guests and visitors who enter a residence hall before 5 p.m., must return to the lobby, escorted by their host resident, so that they can be officially signed into the hall. Guests and visitors will receive an electronic approval or dated guest and visitor pass (depending on the building). These guest visitor passes are only valid for the building and date where they are issued. Guests and visitors must have this identification on their person always and produce it when requested by a University official which includes Resident Advisors (RAs) and Office Assistants (OAs).

Guest and Visitor Sign-In Limits

Guests and visitors, regardless of roommate approval, are limited in spending more than two (2) consecutive nights within a seven (7) day period in any residence hall. Guests and visitors are not permitted to be signed in by a different host in the same residence hall, or by a host in any other residence hall until seven (7) days after their last second consecutive night period has expired.

How Residence Life defines an Overnight Guest or Visitor

An individual is defined as an overnight guest or visitor in a residence hall when they either sign in or remain signed in between 1:59 a.m. and 4 a.m. All guests and visitors who show as registered and signed in under their host will count towards the two consecutive night maximum within a 7-day period. Residents who fail to ensure their guests or visitors are officially signed out of the hall via the security desk between 5 p.m. and 4 a.m. may not appeal guest and visitor overnight numbers as recorded in StarRez.

Failing to register guests at 5 p.m. when the lobby desk is staffed is a violation of our Residential Community Living Guidelines.

Guest and Visitor Maximum

With the permission of their roommate(s), residents may have up to a combination of two (2) guests or visitors in accordance with the sign-in procedures, and must have prior permission of their halls Area Coordinator or Resident Director to exceed this limit.

Guest and Visitor Sign-In Hours and Locations

Guests and visitors, who have been preregistered, are able to be signed in daily from 5 p.m. to 4 a.m. at the residence hall's lobby desk.

Guest and Visitor Photo Identification

Guests and visitors attempting to enter UMass Lowell (UML) residence halls will be required to show a valid, unexpired, physical form of picture identification from the following list. No other forms of identification will be accepted including pictures or scanned copies of photo identification.

  • UML Student ID (for currently enrolled students)
  • Driver's license
  • State identification card
  • Passport

Alcohol with Guests and Visitors

Guests and visitors who are 21 and older are permitted to drink alcohol in the residence halls but only in the room of a resident who is at least 21 years of age. Regardless of age, no guest or visitor is permitted to bring alcohol into any residence hall.

Guests and visitors may be restricted from being signed into a residence hall if University Police or the Residence Life Staff determines this is in the best interest of the community, or the guest appears to be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. Parents or guardians may be called to transport the guest or visitor to their home.

Denial of Overnight Guest or Visitor Accomodations

An area coordinator, resident director, or an area duty supervisor may deny a guest or visitor permission to remain overnight or be a guest in the future. The guest or visitor shall be informed of why they are being asked to leave. Appeals for denial of overnight accommodation must be directed to the Director of Housing or their designee.

Guest and Visitor Extended Stay

In rare circumstances, a resident may request permission for an extended stay which if approved would allow their guest or visitor to spend more than two (2) consecutive nights within a seven (7) day period in their residence hall. This request should be made by emailing their hall’s area coordinator or resident director. Residents found to have a guest or visitor remaining for an extended stay without approval are subject to a $25 nightly charge which will be billed to the host student’s account.

Visitor Age Restrictions

Without exception, visitors to our residence halls who are under the age of 17 need to possess approved, valid picture identification. Visitors under the age of 17 who wish to be in the residence halls past 11 p.m. or overnight visitors, must be approved 48 business hours (2 business days) in advance by emailing the building’s area coordinator or resident director. The area coordinator or resident director may ask for parental/guardian permission and contact information so please be prepared and plan in advance as day of requests will be denied.