Participation By College
The UMass Lowell (UML) Making WAVES team developed a robust, faculty-led, interactive Bystander Training program. 12 faculty “Equity Leaders” (ELs) worked with WAVES to design the original UML-specific interactive workshop.
To date, 238 people have participated in 21 workshops, including one chairs’ retreat, one College of Sciences training, and one Manning School of Business training. Participants in the open enrollment workshops come from EVERY STEM department and all colleges:

- 20.9% of participants come from Francis College of Engineering
- 18.8% of participants come from College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
- 11.2% of participants come from Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences
- 17% of participants come from Kennedy College of Sciences
- 12.6% of participants come from Manning School of Business
- 4.3% of participants come from College of Education
- And 15.2% of participants come from come from the university administration.

Participant Demographics
Of all the participants, 61% of them are female.
In terms of faculty rank, 39% of the participants are tenured faculty members at UML.