Like a mosquito bite, one microaggression may not be a big deal. But imagine being bitten multiple times a week, year round. This is how the culture is for some people at UMass Lowell and most other universities. Be part of the effort to change it!
Leaders of the WAVES team, alongside faculty Equity Leaders from across disciplines, have created an evidence-based program to help faculty navigate what to do when you witness a microaggression.
We invite you to join full-time faculty from all ranks and departments to become better equipped to notice and intervene when microaggressions occur. The training addresses microaggressions based not only on gender but also on other marginalized statuses.
These training sessions are practical: they are devoted to building participants’ skill in identifying and interrupting instances of microaggressions. Role playing and vignettes help participants develop confidence in their ability to notice microaggresions and intervene. This hands-on, two-hour-long training provides opportunities for active learning.