By Steve O’Riordan

The 2022 – 2023 winter intersession is scheduled to start at the close of business on Friday, Dec. 23. During this time, only business critical for university operations and student success, recruitment and retention will remain active. The university will significantly reduce on-campus operations during the break with a partial campus closure.

UML Facilities will strategically manage campus buildings to ensure support of campus-wide initiatives and best sustainability practices. Full on-site campus operations will resume Monday, Jan. 9 to ensure a successful, vibrant start to the spring semester.

All staff members not required to work to maintain critical university operations and student success, recruitment and retention during the break are encouraged to use available vacation or personal leave time, consistent with their collective bargaining agreements or personnel policies. Employees who are approved to work, and who cannot work remotely, should coordinate with area department heads and managers to temporarily relocate to available, operational space if their office or building is closed during intersession.  Employees who have concerns regarding special accommodations should contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Outreach.

Certain buildings, offices and laboratories will remain open for conducting scheduled research and winter intersession student services. All buildings on campus will be secured and require card access during this time. Dormitory buildings will remain open for approved student locations only.

Building temperatures in areas designated as non-operational during winter intersession will be set to 60°F and have reduced ventilation strategies. Prior to leaving for the break, students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to take the following steps: 

  • Close all windows prior to departure
  • Switch light controls to off
  • Ensure heaters are not in use
  • Spot check room temperatures
  • Unplug all unused electrical devices
  • Ensure unused fume hood sashes are closed

Please refer to the list of department schedules (doc) and building closures on campus (doc) for Winter Intersession 2022-2023.