2011 Publications
- Ackerson, L.K. , Ramanadhan, S., Arya, M., & Viswanath, K. (2011). Social disparities, communication inequalities, communication inequalities, and HIV/AIDS-related knowledge and attitudes in India . AIDS and Behavior [epub ahead of print, Aug 2011].
- Artsanthia, J., Mawn, B., Chaiphibalsarisdi, P., Nityasuddhi, D., & Triumchaisri, S. (2011). Exploring the palliative care needs of people living in Thailand with end stage renal disease: A pilot study. The Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 13(6), 403-410.
- Barger, M.K., Weiss, J., Nannini, A., Stubblefield, P., Heeren, T., & Werler, M. (2011). Risk factors for uterine rupture among women who attempt a vaginal birth after a previous cesarean section: A case-control study. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 56(7-8), 313-20.
- Becker, M., Coffin, M., & Tickner, J. (2011). Meeting Customers' Needs for Chemical Data: A Guidance Document for Suppliers. Lowell, MA: Lowell Center for Sustainable Production/Green Chemistry and Commerce Council.
- Brouwer, D., Berges, M., Virji, M.A., Fransman, W., Bello, D., Hodson, L., Gabriel, S., & Tielemans, E. (2011). Harmonization of measurement strategies for exposure to manufactured nano-objects; Report of a workshop. Annals of Occupational Hygiene 56(1), 1-9. doi:10.1093/annhyg/mer099.
- Cifuentes, M. , Willetts, J., & Wasiak, R. (2011). Health maintenance care in work-related low back pain and its association with disability recurrence. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine,53(4), 396-404.
- Clark, J., Hutchins, J., & Ellenbecker, M.J., eds. (2011). Improving the health of the public, workers and the environment: Twenty years of toxics use reduction. Journal of Cleaner Production, 19(5).
- Coffin, M., & Tickner, J. (2011). Businesses coming together to solve safer chemistry challenges – Innovation through the green chemistry and commerce council. In S.G. McNall, J.C. Hershauer & G. Basile (Eds.), The Business of Sustainability: Trends, Policies, Practices and Stories of Success (Vols 1-3). New York: Praeger Press.
- Collins, S.M. , & Karasek, R. (2011). Reduced vagal cardiac control variance in exhausted and high strain job subjects. International Journal of Occupational Medicine & Environmental Health, 23(3), 1-15. doi: 10.2478/v10001-010-0029-0
- Cozzensa da Silva, M., Gastal Fassa, A., & Kriebel, D. (2011). Leisure time physical inactivity among Brazilian ragpickers. Revista Brasileira de Atividade Física & Saúde, 116, 125-131.
- Day, D.S., Gozansky, W.S., Bell C., & Kohrt, W.M. (2011).Acute sex hormone suppression reduces muscle sympathetic nerve activity. Clinical Autonomic Research, 21 (5), 339-45.
- Edmund, A., Kambalapally, S., Wilson, T.A., & Nicolosi, R.J. (2011). Encapsulation of cadium selenide quantum dots using self-assembling nanoemulsion (SANE) reduces their in vitro toxicity. Toxicology in Vitro, 25(1), 185-190.
- Ellenbecker, M.J. , & Geiser, K. (2011). At the source: The origins of the Massachusetts toxics use reduction program and an overview of this special issue. Journal of Cleaner Production,19(5), 389-96. doi: 10.1016/j.clepro.2010.10.004
- Ellenbecker, M.J. , & Tsai, S. (2011). Engineered nanoparticles: Safer substitutes for toxic materials, or a new hazard?OLE_LINK10Journal of Cleaner Production, 19(5), 483-7 . doi: 10.1016/j.clepro.2010.10.018
- Fafalios (Dulak), A. , Ma, J., Tan, X., Stoops, J., Luo, J., DeFrances, M.C., & Zarnegar, R. (2011). A hepatocyte growth factor receptor (Met)-insulin receptor hybrid governs hepatic glucose metabolism. Nature Medicine, 17(12), 1577-84.
- Fantasia, H.C. (2011). Influences of social norms and context on sexual decision-making among adolescent females. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 56(1), 48-53. doi:10.1111/j.1542-2011.2010.00014.x
- Fantasia, H.C. (2011). Not really even a decision anymore: Late adolescent narratives of implied sexual consent. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 7(3), 120-129. doi: 10.1111/j.1939-3938.2011.01108.x
- Fantasia, H.C. , & Fontenot, H.B. (2011). The sexual safety of adolescents. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 40 (2) , 217-224. doi: 10.1111/j.1552-6909.2011.01217.x
- Fantasia, H.C. , Fontenot, H.B., Harris, A.L., Hurd, L., & Chui, E. (2011). Ambiguity in defining adolescent sexual activity: A case study for nurse practitioners. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 7(6),486-491. doi: 10.1016/j.nurpra.2010.05.017
- Fantasia, H.C. , Fontenot, H.B., Sutherland, M., & Harris, A.L. (2011). Sexually transmitted infections in women: An overview. Nursing for Women’s Health, 15(1),46-58. doi: 10.1111/j.1751-486X.2011.01610.x
- Fogg, C., Mawn, B.E., & Porell, F. (2011). Development of the Fogg Intent-to Screen for HIV (ITS HIV) questionnaire. Research in Nursing and Health,34(1), 73-84.
- Fontenot, H.B., & Fantasia, H.C. (2011). A second look: Do women in abusive relationships have contraceptive control? Nursing for Women’s Health, 15(3),239-243.
- Fontenot, H.B., & Fantasia, H.C. (2011). Understanding feminism: Considerations for nurses working to end violence against women. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 7(1),27-31. doi: 10.1111/j.1939-3938.2010.01092.x
- Gage, S., & Melillo, K.D. (2011). Substance abuse in older adults: Policy issues. Journal of Gerontological Nursing,37(12), 8-11. doi: 10.3928/00989134-20111104-01
- Garelbabi, M. , Gupta, V., Mallika, V., & Bhattacharjee, J. (2011). Platelet nitric oxide signaling system in patients with coronary artery disease. Annals of Vascular Diseases, 4(2), 99–105.
- Gautam, R. , & Houde, S.C. (2011). Geriatric depression scale for community dwelling older adults of Nepal. Asian Journal of Gerontology & Geriatrics, 6(2), 1-7.
- Gautam, R. , Saito, T., Houde, S.C., & Kai, I. (2011). Social interactions and depressive symptoms among community dwelling older adults in Nepal: A synergic effect model. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 53(1), 24-30.
- Geiser, K. (2011). Redesigning chemicals policy: A very different approach. New Solutions, 21(3), 329-344.
- Gennaro, S., Biesecker, B., Fantasia, H.C., Nguyen, M., & Garry, D. (2011). Nutritional profiles among African American women in the third trimester of pregnancy. Maternal Child Nursing, 36(2), 120-126. doi:10.1097/NMC.0b013e3182057a13
- Hannon-Engel, S., & Fantasia, H.C. (2011). Are you survey ready? Online evaluation of multidrug-resistant organisms educational program in a behavioral health hospital. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 47(3),138-144.doi: 10.1111/j.1744-6163.2010.00286.x
- He, G. , Thorpe, C., Walsh, D., Crow, R., Chen, H., & Varela, M.F. (2011). EmmdR, an new member of MATE family multidrug transporter, pumps out quinolones in enterobacter cloacae. Archives of Microbiology, 193(10), 759-765.
- He, G. , Zhang, C., Crow, R.C., Thorpe, C., Chen, H., Kumar, S., Tsuchiya, T., & Varela, M.F. (2011). SugE, a new member of the SMR family of transporters, contributes to antimicrobial resistance in enterobacter cloacae. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 55(8), 3954-3957.
- Hillier, A., Murphy, D., & Ferrara, C.M. (2011). A pilot study: Short-‐term reduction in salivary cortisol following low-‐level physical exercise and relaxation among adolescents and young adults on the autism spectrum. Stress & Health: Journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress. 27(5), 395-402.
- Kakumanu, S., Tagne, J.B., Wilson, T.A., & Nicolosi, R.J. (2011). A nanoemulsion formulation of dacarbazine reduces tumor size in a xenograph mouse epidermoid carcinoma model compared to dacarbazine suspension. Nanomedicine, 7(3), 277-283.
- Kalmbach, R. , Paul, L., & Selhub,J. (2011). Determination of unmetabolized folic acid in human plasma using affinity HPLC. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,94(1), 343S-347S.
- Knight, M. (2011). Precursors to seclusion and restraint: An analysis. Mental Health Practice, 14(10), 14-20.
- Knight, M. (2011). Psychiatric nursing: Quality and safety through connection, engagement and partnership.McLean Hospital Nursing Network, 35(3), 1-2.
- Knight, M. , Abdallah, L., Findeisen, M., Melillo, K.D. & Dowling, J. (2011). Making healthy connections: Introducing nursing as a career choice to middle school students. Nursing Forum,46(3), 146-151.
- Koren, A. , Reece, S. , Kahn-D’Angelo, L., & Medeiros, D . (2011). Response to letter to the editor about parental information and provider practices related to back to sleep. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 25(3).
- Kriebel, D. , Jacobs, M., Tickner, J., & Markkanen, P. (2011). Lessons Learned: Solutions for Workplace Safety and Health. Lowell, MA: Lowell Center for Sustainable Production.
- Kruse, A., Tao, X., Bhalani, V., Handelman, G., Levin, N.W., Kotanko, P., & Thijssen, S. (2011). Clearance of p-cresol sulfate and beta-2-microglobulin from dialysate by commercially available sorbent technology. ASAIO Journal, 57(3), 219-24.
- Laramie, A.K., Pun, V.C., Fang, S.C., Kriebel, D., & Davis, L. (2011). Sharps injuries among employees of acute care hospitals in Massachusetts, 2002–2007. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 32(6), 538-544 .
- Marucci-Wellman, H., Leamon, T.B., Willetts, J.L., Binh, T.T., Diep, N.B., Wegman, D.H., & Kriebel, D. (2011). Occupational injuries in a commune in rural Vietnam undergoing a transition from agriculture to new industries. American Journal of Public Health, 101(5), 854-60.
- Mason, T., Wilkenson, G., Nannini, A., Fox, D., & Hirsch, G. (2011). Winning policy change to promote community health workers: Lessons from Massachusetts in the health reform era . American Journal of Public Health, 101(12), 2211-6.
- Mawn. B. E. (2011). The changing horizons of U.S. families living with HIV. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 34(2), 213-29. doi:10.1177/0193945911399087.
- Mawn, B. E. (2011). Children's voices: Living with HIV. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 36(6), 368-372.
- McCarron, A. (2011). Reigning in rheumatoid arthritis: New criteria aim to identify earlier disease states. Advance for NP’s and PA’s, 2(9), 18-22, 48.
- Meyer, J.D., Cifuentes, M., & Warren, N. (2011). Association of self-rated physical health and incident hypertension with O*NET factors: Validation using a representative national survey. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine,53(2), 139-45.
- Morgan, B. , White, D., & LaBelle, C. (2011). Nursing education in substance abuse/addiction. In P. Ruiz & E. Strain (Eds.), Lowinson and Ruiz's Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook (5th Ed.) (957-964). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Murphy, D. (2011). The impact of faculty reflection on international service-learning experiences. Journal for Civic Commitment, 17.
- Nannini, A. , (2011). The future of gerontological nursing. Journal of Gerontological Nursing,37(9), 11-5. doi: 10.3928/00989134-20110802-01
- Nannini, A. , Lazar, J., Berg, C.J., Tomashek, K., Cabral, H., Barger, M., Barfield, W., & Kotelchuck, M. (2011). Rates of hospital visits for assault during pregnancy and the first year postpartum: Timing matters. Public Health Reports, 126(5), 664-68.
- Prihartono, N., Kriebel, D., Woskie, S., Thetkhathuek, A., Sripaung, N., Padungtod, C., & Kaufman, D. (2011). Risk of aplastic anemia and pesticide and other chemical exposures. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 23(3), 369-77.
- Quinn, M.M. (2011). Why do women and men have different occupational exposures? Occupational and Environmental Medicine,68(12), 861-2.doi:10.1136/oemed-2011-100257
- Roelofs, C., Sprague-Martinez, L., Brunette, M., & Azaroff, L. (2011). A qualitative investigation of Hispanic construction worker perspectives on factors impacting worksite safety and risk. Environmental Health, 10, 84.
- Rosenberg, B., & Slatin, C. (2011). Occupational health nursing and the quest for professional authority: A response from the editors. New Solutions, a Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 21(4), 541-3.
- Rutten, L.J., Blake, K., Hesse, B.W., & Ackerson, L.K. (2011). Isolated and skeptical: Social engagement and trust in information sources among smokers. Journal of Cancer Education, 26(3), 465-473.
- Schifano, J.N., Geiser, K., & Tickner, J.A. (2011). The importance of implementation in rethinking chemicals management policy: The Toxic Substances Control Act. Environmental Law Reporter, 41, 10527-10543.
- Slatin, C. (2011). Occupational and Environmental Health and Human Rights. New Solutions, a Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 21(2), 177-195.
- Slatin, C. , & Scammell, M. (2011). Environmental justice and just transition. New Solutions, a Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 21(1), 1-4.
- Sprague-Martinez, L., Ndulue, U., & Brunette, M. (2011). Lessons learned from the Proteccion en Construccion (PenC) community research partnership. International Public Health Journal, 4(3).
- Tak, S.W., Buchholz, B., Punnett, L., Moir, S., Paquet, V., Fulmer, S., Marucci-Wellman, H., & Wegman, D. (2011). Physical ergonomic hazards in highway tunnel construction: Overview from the Construction Occupational Health Program. Applied Ergonomics, 42(5), 665-71. doi:10.1016/j.apergo.2010.10.001
- Tepper, N., Cohen, B., Zhang, Z., & Nannini, A. (2011). Singleton preterm birth: Risk factors and association with assisted reproductive technology. Maternal Child Health Journal, 16(4), 807-13.
- Tickner, J. , & Coffin, M. (2011). Drivers of business leadership in advancing safer chemicals and products: Challenges and opportunities. In S.G. McNall, J.C. Hershauer & G. Basile (Eds.), The Business of Sustainability: Trends, Policies, Practices and Stories ofSuccess (Vols 1-3). New York: Praeger Press.
- Trasande, T., Massey, R., DiGangi, J., Geiser, K., Olanipekun, A.I., & Gallagher, L. (2011). How developing nations can protect children from hazardous chemical exposures while sustaining economic growth. Health Affairs , 30 (12), 2400-2409.
- Van Etten, D., & Grimaldi, D. (2011). Debunking misconceptions about weight loss surgery. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 49(12), 38-43.
- Wilkie, R., Cifuentes, M., & Pransky, G. (2011). Exploring extensions to working life: Job lock and predictors of decreasing work function in older workers. Disability and Rehabilitation, 33 (19-20), 1719-27.
- Young, B.A., Herzog, F., Friedel, P., Rammensee, S., Bausch, A., & van Hemmen, J.L. (2011). Tears of venom: Hydrodynamics of reptilian envenomation. Physical Review Letters, 106(19), 198103.
- Zeka, A., Gore, R., & Kriebel, D. (2011). The two-stage clonal expansion model in occupational cancer epidemiology: Results from three cohort studies. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 68(8), 618-24.
- Zhang, Y., Cohen, B., Macaluso, M., Zhang, Z., Durant, T., & Nannini, A. (2011). Probabilistic linkage of assisted reproductive technology information with vital records, Massachusetts 1997–2000. Maternal Child Health Journal [epub ahead of print, Sep 2011].
- Zhang, Y., Flum, M., Nobrega, S., Blais, L., Qamili, S., & Punnett, L. (2011). Work organization and health issues in long-term care centers: Comparison of perceptions between caregivers and management. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 37(5), 32-40. doi: 10.3928/00989134-20110106-01
- Zhu, F., Kotanko, P., Handelman, G.J., Raimann, J.G., Liu, L., Carter, M., Kuhlmann, M.K., Seibert, E., Leonard, E.F., & Levin, N.W. (2011). Estimation of normal hydration in dialysis patients using whole body and calf bioimpedance analysis. Physiological Measurement, 32(7), 887-902.M