We know that there is a lot of information to be aware of as you and your student prepare for the start of the upcoming semester. The Parent & Family Checklist highlights some important things to keep in mind as well as some links to resources that will help your student have a great start to their River Hawk experience.

  1. Get to know technology
    • Student Email: The most helpful thing you can do for your student is to remind them to check their UMass Lowell (UML) student email. UML email is the primary form of contact between your student and the university, and any announcements, updates, and information will be emailed to their student accounts.
    • SIS (Student Information System): SIS is UMass Lowell's online student information system. This system houses academic and financial information. Students have the ability to grant parents/family members access to their SIS accounts via a service called SIS UShare.

  2. Start required health forms early
  3. Purchase a parking decal
    • If your student plans to bring a car to campus, they will need to purchase a parking decal online prior to parking on campus. Parking decals are available for purchase beginning in August.

  4. Sign-up for on-campus housing
    • If your student is planning to live on campus, it is important that they are aware of important room selection and housing dates. This includes dates related to selecting their housing and matching with roommates. The complete list of dates as well as the housing application can be found on the Residence Life Online Housing Portal.

  5. Sign-up for campus emergency notifications
    • Parents and family members can sign-up to receive campus emergency alerts and notifications. There are several ways parents and families can receive this information:
    • To receive text message alerts, text the world "UMLALERTS" to 226787. This will sign parents and families up for 180 days of text alerts.
    • Parents and families can also read the UMass Lowell Alerts webpage.

  6. Register for a Family Orientation session
    • There are a variety of virtual sessions available to all parent and family members to help you learn more about all of the resources UMass Lowell has to offer. There are also sessions focused on navigating the transition to college as a family.
    • Register online for a Family Orientation session

  7. Start (or continue) family conversations about your student's transition to college
    • Start talking to your student to establish mutual expectations about their transition to college. This can include talking to them about how your student will communicate with you while they are away, as well as conversations about difficult topics like budgeting/money, drinking, sexual health and safety, and mental health.