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Graduate Certificates

The graduate program offers five, 12-credit certificates that are designed to meet the diverse needs of criminal justice professionals: 

DomesticViolencePreventionDomestic Violence Prevention 

Available on-campus or online through the Online Graduate Certificate in Domestic Violence Prevention.

Domestic violence is one of the major social and public health problems in the Commonwealth. The existing degree programs in Criminal Justice, Community Social Psychology, and the programs in the School of Health and Environment each offer relevant courses which facilitate their graduates working with agencies and clients affected by domestic violence. This certificate provides a focused program for those working in settings where domestic violence is an issue. Courses may be applied to the relevant department's Master's program with the approval of the department's graduate coordinator. Course of Study: Domestic Violence Prevention

Coordinators:   Dr. Khanh Dinh, Psychology

ForensicCriminologyForensic Criminology 

Available on-campus or online through the Online Graduate Certificate in Forensic Criminology.

This certificate is designed for students with current or potential careers in the fields of criminal justice, nursing/public health, law and paralegal studies, psychology, and social work who wish to expand their expertise in forensic criminology including mental health applications. Students in this program focus on populations being served by state and federal court systems, state and federal correctional systems, law enforcement agencies, mental health facilities, and juvenile facilities. Students are able to choose from a variety of courses appropriate for their own specific professional needs. Course of Study: Forensic Criminology

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LeadershipPolicyDevelopmentLeadership & Policy Development

Available on-campus.

This graduate certificate provides a focused program for criminal justice managers and administrators. This specialized education will increase the knowledge and skills necessary to administer the delivery of high quality and cost effective services. This program is designed to respond to the changes taking place in the criminal justice field which now require up-to-date management skills. Course of Study: Leadership & Policy Development

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SecurityStudiesSecurity Studies 

Available entirely online through the Online Graduate Certificate in Security Studies.

This graduate-level certificate program addresses the increasing global and local concern involving security issues. Course of Study: Security Studies

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VictimsStudiesVictim Studies 

Available on-campus or online through the Online Graduate Certificate in Victim Studies.

Graduate Certificate in Victim Studies provides multidisciplinary specialized knowledge of crime victim issues, crime victims’ rights, and formal responses to victims so that students may apply that knowledge within their own professional context. Completion of the certificate provides students with the background to understand strengths and limitations of current responses to crime victims so they can be a part of initiatives and programs to prevent crime victimization, be prepared to engage in research and evaluation focused on crime victims’ issues, and respond effectively to victims of crime in a culturally appropriate manner. Course of Study: Victim Studies

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