Two male students in lab coats working in the solar energy lab.

About the Program

The Energy Engineering Program at the University of Massachusetts Lowell is, along with the Nuclear Engineering Program, one of two ways to earn a graduate degree in Energy Engineering. The program offers both Master's and Doctoral degrees, as well as a Graduate Certificate, in Energy Engineering. The Energy Engineering Program began over twenty-five years ago with a focus on solar energy, but over time has expanded to encompass several renewable energy technologies, including wind turbines, fuel cells and green combustion. For more information, please see the Admissions landing page.

Harish Hande

Why Study Energy Engineering?

Renewable energy engineers are leading the way to a cleaner, safer future across the globe. From designing small off-grid, solar-powered agricultural water pumps in Peru to improving the reliability of towering wind turbines off the coast of Rhode Island, our students and graduates are making a positive impact on our society and our environment.

In recent years, more power has come on-line in the US from renewable power plants than from any other source, and that trend is likely to continue for decades to come as more and more states require utilities to add renewables to their portfolios. This boom has led to an incredible growth in the number of solar jobs in the US -- up 168% since 20101. Hence, the job prospects for our graduates here in the US are outstanding. Likewise, developing nations in Asia, Africa, South and Central America are turning to renewables to power their growing economies. Many of our international graduates return to their home countries so that they can contribute to the global trend, including Harish Hande, who started a company that has brought healthy, clean lighting to thousands of people in his native India.

1National Solar Jobs Census, January 2017