Moderator: Sally Washburn, Senior Director of Development 
Industry Partners: Collins Aerospace, General Dynamics, Security Innovation, Schneider Electric, Red Hat, Anokiwave, Raytheon, Skyworks
Mentors: Jean Francois Millithailer, Ph.D., Kavitha Chandra, Ph.D., Michael Geiger, Ph.D., Jay Weitzen, Ph.D., Robert Marceau, Ph.D., James Daly, Ph.D., Hualiang Zhang, Ph.D., Corey Shemelya, Ph.D., Joel Therrien, Ph.D.

Birds and Bats Monitoring

Sponsor: University of Massachusetts Lowell
Project Description: This project works to develop a machine learning algorithm to detect birds near wind turbines. The detection capability would serve a twofold purpose. One, to collect data on the frequency and nature of the interactions between birds and wind turbines. Two, to possibly prevent birds colliding with wind turbines; thereby reducing the likelihood of injuring the bird or damaging the windmill. The system should be capable of separating instances of flight paths that do result in the bird nearing the windmill and a flightpath that does not. Once a relevant flightpath is identified, the camera will save the recording of the bird. A stretch goal of this year’s project is to expand the capabilities of the system to detect bats as well as birds.
Mentor: Jean-Francois Millithaler, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Eric Swanson, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Elizabeth Brown, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Stephen Margiotta, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Pye Phyo, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Andreas Dominovic, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Applications of Machine Learning in Object Recognition

Sponsor: Collins Aerospace
Project Description: Collins Aerospace has a machine learning solution to generate bounding boxes around objects of interest in aerial images taken on their DB-110 sensors. They desire a solution that uses semantic segmentation, which identifies objects at the pixel level. This would provide more information about the object such as shape and orientation. We aim to develop a solution that operates in two modes: one which performs pure semantic segmentation based on a pre-trained model, and another which takes the existing bounding box data as input and produces semantically segmented data. The solution is to be developed using the DeepLab deep learning platform and delivered via Docker container.
Mentor: Kavitha Chandra, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Connor Capozzi, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Drew Latwas, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Jacob Olson, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Ariel Pena-Martinez, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Augmented Reality in Manufacturing

Sponsor: General Dynamics – Bath Iron Works
Project Description: Modern shipbuilding is a highly precise and time-consuming process. Delays caused by time-consuming measurements, mistakes, and the required rework are expensive. The client believes these delays can be minimized by Augmented Reality (AR) technology. Shipbuilding requires a component assembly tolerance of 1⁄8”. The client desires a Consumer-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) mobile device that has a compatible application for an end user to provide real-time, AR overlays to increase the accuracy of component assembly within this 1⁄8” tolerance. The objective of this project is to research the state of AR in current industries and improve the accuracy of BIW’s current AR capabilities to have a maximum deviation of 1/8th of an inch by May 2020. The deliverables of this project include research reports which detail the state of AR and potential ways ahead and improvements to BIW’s application, InfoTagger.
Mentor: Michael Geiger, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • John Lutz, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Dylan Lovelace, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Cody Rauseo, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Joel Rattray, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Cybersecurity Training

Sponsor: Security Innovation
Project Description: This project will develop an enhanced version of the cyber security training courses made by Security Innovation. The enhancements will help to make Security Innovation’s courses more engaging and effective. The group will combine their personal ideas for improvement with those of students in relevant fields, who have volunteered to take and evaluate the courses. 
Mentor: Jay Weitzen, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Nolan Gray, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Matt Galat, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Argenis Jerez, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Eric Lautenschlager, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Industry 4.0 – Digitization for the factories of the future

Sponsor: Schneider Electric
Project Description: The Industry 4.0 initiative is the enabling technologies for the factoriesof the future. It includes concepts of Smart Manufacturing/Factory andIndustrial Internet of Things which are possible with the proliferation ofprocessing power and networking at all levels. Two technology areasthat are core to Industry 4.0 are OPC UA protocols and Time SensitiveNetworking (TSN). Together these technologies allow migration from previous generation custom protocols and network technologies to
systems that are entirely based on open standards.
Mentor: Robert Marceau, Computer Science
  • Xuexua Zhou, Computer Science
  • Maria Panaro, Computer Science
  • Yassir Kanane, Computer Science
  • Yinghui Zhu, Computer Science

Foreman/Katello Content View Version Browser Tool Development Project

Sponsor: Red Hat
Project Description: A project to add a Trello-like tool to view and modify content view versions for Foreman/Katello configurations.
Mentor: James Daly, Computer Science
  • Jason Kiesling, Computer Science
  • Evan O’Malley, Computer Science
  • Kevin Huang, Computer Science
  • Max Rider, Computer Science

Phased Array Antenna

Sponsor: Anokiwave
Project Description: The main objective, using Anokiwave’s own AWMF-108 beamforming integrated chip, is to design and build, on a PCB, a 1x4 phased array antenna and, if time allows, a 1 x 8 phased array antenna. The design will be constructed using Autodesk Eagle. The antenna will operate in the 28 GHz range which can be utilized for up-in-coming 5G communications.
Mentor: Huliang Zhang, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Liam Esty, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Derek Koechlin, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Roarke Myers, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Adam Bergeron, Electrical and Computer Engineering

mmWave Antenna

Sponsor: Raytheon
Project Description: Millimeter-wave phased array technology constitutes a high frequency antenna network capable of producing an electrically scannable beam of RF energy.  Constructive interference between the array’s antennas help to form a concentrated beam and built-in phase shifters allow the beam to point in a desired direction.   Phased array prototypes were built and tested to reach an optimized design using 64 individual patch antennas.  Simulation and test data were considered when designing more efficient array antennas and MMIC phase-controlling circuitry.  The project’s long-term goal is to build a fully functional phased array capable of directing a beam of RF energy with I/O capabilities.  
Mentor:  Corey Shemlya, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Christopher Mills, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Zachary Bryant, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Bradley Pothier, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Sean Rampino, Mechanical Engineering
  • Timothy Trask, Mechanical Engineering

5G Receiver Chain

Sponsor: Skyworks Solutions, Inc.
Project Description: Due to the high frequencies used in 5G communications, between 3.3 and 3.8 GHz, signals become weak over short distances. To combat this, high-gain/low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) need to be designed to boost the signal without losing any data. These amplifiers and receivers are multistage components that also have filters and various LNAs to create systems that are as linear and ideal as possible. They are also built to provide support for the maximum number of carrier aggregation frequency bands. This team will design and test a receiving chain of LNAs to meet these goals.
Mentor: Joel Therrien, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Nathan Rensing, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Kyle McNally, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Pratim Mazumder, , Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Elvis Medina, Electrical and Computer Engineering