The Office of the Dean is located in Southwick Hall 250. Office hours during the academic year are 8:30 a.m. through 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The phone number is: 978-934-2570. Our general email is:

Departmental Office Locations

  • Biomedical Engineering:
    Falmouth Hall 302,
    Phone: 978-934-5178

  • Chemical Engineering:
    Southwick Hall 326,
    Phone: 978-934-3150

  • Civil & Environmental Engineering:
    Dandeneau Hall 108,
    Phone: 978-934-2280

  • Electrical and Computer Engineering:
    Ball Hall 301,
    Phone: 978-934-3300

  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering:
    Dandeneau Hall 214
    Phone: 978-934-2950

  • Plastics Engineering:
    Ball Hall 204,
    Phone: 978-934-3420

  • Engineering Technology:
    Falmouth Hall 305,
    Phone: 978-934-2593

View the College Administration.