True Competitors

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Our students organizations compete nationally in competitions from building steel bridges to designing prosthetic limbs. The concrete canoe team scored an impressive win at this year’s regional competition organized by the New England student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Learn more about our clubs and organizations.

Hear From Our Students, Alumni & More

  • Alyssa Puglisi
    Chemical Engineering

    Alyssa Puglisi was awarded a three-year, $75,000 scholarship by Entegris, the second UML student to receive this support from the company.

  • Maureen Kelly
    Civil & Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering

    A service-learning capstone in Lowell and Haiti transformed Maureen Kelly’s civil engineering education — and her life. She now works for a firm that supports her ongoing volunteer work in Haiti and her mentoring of current students.

  • Lisa  Panagopoulos
    Computer Science and Computer Engineering

    Lisa Panagopoulos went remote and part time – and launched a second career on the silver screen.

  • George Dylan Bistany
    Electrical Engineering

    George Dylan Bistany completed his master’s degree abroad in fall 2019 at the Czech Technical University in Prague.

  • Garrett Perry
    Mechanical Engineering

    The River Hawk Racing club steered Garrett Perry to UML. Now, he’s on course for a career in motor sports.

  • Collin Duffley
    Nuclear Engineering

    An elbow injury may have thrown the promising baseball career of Collin Duffley for a curve, but fortunately he still has his nuclear engineering career to fall back on.

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