Report an Accident or Near-miss

Lab Safety Responsibilities

Lab staff responsibilities

It is the responsibility of all lab staff to:

  • Follow the applicable safety procedures and policies.
  • Participate and complete applicable safety trainings.
  • Commence work only when it is safe to do so.
  • Communicate clearly to the Principal investigator and EHS of any incidents.

Principal Investigator (PI) responsibilities

The PI is the fully responsible party on all things involving their laboratory, specifically PI's:

  • Conduct their actions in a safe manner, and instill a good safety culture for their workers.
  • Ensure their staff and students follow applicable requirements, and swiftly correct insubordination.
  • Participate in trainings, and ensure their staff have completed all applicable trainings (initial and recurring).
  • Ensure the lab is equipped to handle the work conducted, with all the applicable safety features functioning, and incorporated, if needed.

The university EHS office has created a framework of policies and procedures to aid the PI in ensuring a safe space for them and their staff, but it is the responsibility of the PI to follow applicable federal and state regulations along with university policies and procedures.

The university safety policies vary by subset of hazard used. Consult with EHS to obtain the correct policies; a few examples are listed below.

Fire Safety