Regarding laser use on campus, the below requirements must be satisfied for each lab. Detailed instructions for lab requirements can be found below. For detailed instruction on setting up a new lab and requirements and responsibilities of a laser user and Primary Investigator (PI) please refer to the Laser Safety Guide (pdf).


  • Submit Authorized User Permit Form (pdf): This form will only be partially complete upon submittal. The Radiation Safety Office will hold the permit until all the below requirements are satisfied. This form, when returned, is to be maintained with all the labs specific information (SOPS, etc.) so it can be reviewed during an inspection.
  • Hazard Analysis: conducted by the LSO with information gathered from the permit form and/or inventory, and the lasers environment (room, controls, etc.).
  • Training: All users must complete the initial training and refresher every two years thereafter (training links in the laser safety training section on the side navigation bar).
  • Inventory: Complete the laser inventory record and submit to the LSO for hazard analysis. For less than five lasers, use the permit form above, if more than five use the inventory form (doc).
  • Proper Door Posting: Laser warning sign and safety guidelines (pdf) to be displayed on all doors (print on your own in color or obtain one from the LSO with proper information from the returned permit form).
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP): specific to the laser, setup, and safeguards. This document is written with many procedural steps, some of which may not be applicable to your application (delete those not applicable). The document is written to save time in the writing process so please alter it to fit your needs. Once completed email a copy to the radiation safety office for review (must be approved by the LSO).
  • Alignment Procedures: must be reviewed by the LSO. Below is a template alignment procedure to be used with one or more laser(s) or laser system(s) (e.g. pumping laser or seed laser to main laser, group of same wavelength lasers in the lab, consult Radiation Safety if unsure). This document is written with many procedural steps, some of which may not be applicable to your application. The document is written to save time in the writing process so please alter it to fit your needs. Once completed email a copy to the radiation safety office for review (must be approved by the LSO).
  • Required equipment: this is based on the hazard analysis of the laser in the environment so consult with the LSO for assistance. The radiation safety office does not provide laser safety equipment, that is the responsibility of the Primary investigator. The office will however provide advice on the possible solutions for ensuring laser safety (different controls, methods, etc.). Additionally, a list of laser and supply vendors can be found in the links section on the websites side navigation bar.
  • Inspection criteria: The radiation safety office inspects laser labs on the criteria of the current Massachusetts regulation, 105.CMR.121 (adopts the ANSI Z136.1 Std.), and university laser policy. To ensure their are no surprises, we have provided below our the inspection criteria form (and guidance on how to use it). This can also be helpful for new users to review prior to lab setup.
  • Purchasing restrictions: The LSO shall be contacted if a new laser is bought, prior to its use. Also any laser removed, discarded, or broken without the intent of repairing, must be communicated to radiation safety so we can remove it from our inventory thus no longer needing to inspect your lab for it (controls, procedures, etc.).