What is Generative AI and How Can I Use It?

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a groundbreaking software technology that can create original content such as text, images, music and videos, based on patterns and rules learned from vast amounts of existing data. Unlike traditional AI systems that are designed to recognize and analyze patterns (such as word suggestions when you text), generative AI goes a step further by producing new, unique content that aims to mimic the style and characteristics of the data it was trained on.

This technology has the potential to revolutionize various industries – including higher education.

There are many ways to incorporate generative AI into your personal and professional life. For instance, you can use AI-powered writing tools to help overcome writer's block, generate ideas or even create entire articles or stories based on a prompt or topic. Similarly, artists and designers can leverage generative AI to explore new creative possibilities, such as generating unique textures, patterns or even entire compositions. In the realm of music, generative AI can assist in composing melodies and rhythms. AI has the potential to be an exciting and transformative tool for creators, innovators and problem-solvers alike.

classroom lectern and desks

AI can assist faculty in teaching

For example, it can help a faculty member prepare for class by re-organizing notes and slides, and identifying areas in need of clarification or more information. It can help create case studies or generate sample problems. It can help design assignments and test questions.

However, the growing use of generative AI also raises important concerns that need to be addressed. One of the main issues is the potential for AI-generated content to be used for malicious purposes, such as creating fake news, deepfakes or impersonating individuals online. Additionally, there are concerns about the ownership and copyright of AI-generated content, as well as the ethical implications of using AI to create art or other forms of creative expression.

AI won't replace teachers

While AI can support teaching, it will never replace the human connection, empathy and adaptability that teachers bring to the classroom. AI lacks the ability to understand the complex social, emotional and contextual factors that influence student learning and well-being.

Moreover, human teachers serve as role models, mentors and guides who inspire, motivate and nurture students' personal and academic growth in ways that AI cannot replicate. Many educators cite the support and mentorship they received from their own teachers as significant factors in their decision to pursue a career in education. The teacher-student relationship is built on trust, understanding and genuine human interaction, which are essential for creating a supportive and engaging learning environment.

Guidelines are needed to ensure responsible use

As generative AI becomes more sophisticated and accessible, it is crucial that we develop guidelines and regulations to ensure that the technology is used responsibly and ethically. This includes promoting transparency about the use of AI, protecting the rights of content creators, and educating the public about the potential risks and benefits of generative AI.

While advances in generative AI happen almost daily, we are committed to staying up to date and engaging with the community on these issues.