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Prof. Dalila Megherbi was interviewed by the ScienceNews Radio Network for her expertise in Big Data Meta-genomics.
Prof Dalila Megherbi of CMINDS center was invited for an interview by the ScienceNews Radio Network for her expertise in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data technologies applied to Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Prof. Kanti Prasad becomes a Fellow of the ASEE Society, 2013.
Thesis Defense: In September 2013, Ms. Amanda Myers, defended her MS thesis titled “Areal-time Method For Facial Detection, Tracking, and Recognition".
Thesis Defense: On July 26, 2013, Mr. Paul Beaulieu defended his MS thesis titled “A Study of the Effect of Feature Reduction By Selecting the Significant Pixels For Object Representation, Classification and Prediction.”
Thesis Defense: On March 27, 2013, Ms. Iliana Voynichka defended her MS thesis titled: “Analysis of The Effects of Image Registration, Template selection, and Partial Information Compilation of Facial Recognition Accuracy.”
In October 2012, Prof. Megherbi was invited to the FDA-lead international collaborative project Conference to discuss and to share research results found at the CMINDS research center, Spring 2012, SAS headquarters, North Carolina.
In November 2011, Prof. Megherbi presented the first concept/need of Multi-Agent Distributed Dynamic Scheduling for Monitoring and Surveillance of Large Distributed Critical Key Infrastructures and Resources (CKIR) that span thousands of miles, at the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Technology for Homeland Security.
In May 2011, Prof. Megherbi was invited to the FDA-lead international collaborative project conference to discuss and to share research results found at the CMINDS research center, UMass Lowell, Spring 2011, SAS headquarters, North Carolina.
In May 2010, Prof. Megherbi was invited to the FDA-lead international collaborative project conference to discuss and share research results found at the CMINDS research center, UMass Lowell, Spring 2010. NIH/FDA headquarters, D.C.
In June 2007, The CMINDS graduated the first Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, within the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UMass Lowell, Dr. Carlos Bejar, who currently holds a position at Motorola.