University crossing art exhibit application
The University of Massachusetts Lowell, as its discretion, will allow for temporary art exhibits to be mounted within University Crossing. These temporary exhibits must be appropriate for an educational setting and are expected to reflect support for the University's educational mission and goals, as outlined in the University's Mission Statement and 5 Pillars of Excellence.
Requests to exhibit art within University Crossing will be accepted through the Office of Hospitality and Event Services for outside entities at and through University Crossing Operations for Internal entities via Adam Dunbar via email: All entities must complete and submit the application below. You may include up to three dates for which you would like to present the exhibit.
Each application should include the following at time of submission:
- Completed written application
- List of each item to be exhibited, including sizing
- Images of work/material to be exhibited
Please consider the following when submitting an application
- You have reviewed the University Crossing Art Exhibit Guidelines and Procedures document
- Familiarity with display locations and scaled floor plans
- Space limitations including heights and light restrictions
All requests will be reviewed by the University Crossing Art Committee who will make a recommendation to the Dean of Student Affairs and Event Services. Final approval of a given request will be made by the Dean of Students and Event Services.