The UMass Lowell "Blue Folder" is a resource for all faculty and staff, to help in providing support to students. The folder contains warning signs of a struggling student, tips on approaching a student, a guide to help determine who to refer students to under different circumstances, and contact information.

Download Creating a Culture of Caring at UMass Lowell (pdf), a helpful guide to supporting student well-being and mental health.

Take advantage of trainings on campus.

Share information about the following programs with your students:

  • How do you ask a friend if they're OK? The Seize the Awkward campaign gives you tips and encourages conversations about mental health.
  • Emails us at: to learn how You Can Help a Friend. This JED Foundation workshop teaches students how to recognize and respond to signs of distress in peers.
  • Join Love is Louder, a community of people working together to create a world where we all feel more connected and supported.
  • Find resources about how to help at Half of Us
  • Additional resources for faculty and staff