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The Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology Graduate Program is offered jointly by the University of Massachusetts campuses at Boston, Dartmouth, Lowell and Worcester. The program emphasizes a multidisciplinary, team approach in course/seminars, presentations, laboratory rotations, and research projects. 

Students who have received a wide range of bachelor degrees with strong quantitative skills in engineering/physical science, life/clinical science and related backgrounds are candidates for the program. Graduate students come from a variety of backgrounds including biology, chemical engineering, chemistry, clinical laboratory science, computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics, mechanical engineering, plastics engineering, and polymer science.

Below is a summary of the graduate programs offered through the Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology Department.

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Bachelor's Bachelor's to Master's Program in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (B.S. to M.S. BMEBT)

UMass Lowell students can earn their B.S. to M.S. degrees in Biomedical Engineering (BME) and Biomedical and Biotechnology (BMEBT), respectively, in as little as five years when they enroll in the Bachelor's to Master's degree program. For eligible students who apply, the application fee is waived and GRE scores are not required. Depending on the number of course credits taken as an undergraduate, up to 12 credits of graduate courses (level 5000 and higher) may be used toward the 31-credit Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology. This non-thesis program prepares students for a professional career and may be completed on either a part-time or full-time basis.

MasterMaster of Science in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (M.S. BMEBT)

A minimum 31-credit Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology is offered, with options available in either Biomedical Sciences or Engineering and tracks available within each option. This program prepares students for a professional career and may be completed full-time or part-time. The M.S. program includes 10 credits of core courses, including a 3-credit laboratory requirement, and 21 credits of track-based elective courses, including a 3-credit research project. The available tracks allow students to gain a deeper knowledge base in an area of specific interest to them.

DoctoralDoctoral in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (Ph.D. BMEBT)

A minimum 63-credit Doctoral program in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology is offered. This thesis program prepares students for a profession in academia, industry or research. The program may be completed on either a full-time or part-time basis. The majority of students in the program are full-time. Students who receive funding from UMass Lowell are required to help faculty and students by serving as teaching assistants (TA) and research assistants (RA). The Ph.D. program includes 16 credits of core courses, a minimum of 12 credits of specialization courses, a capstone project, two credits of doctoral seminar and a minimum of 30 credits of dissertation research. In addition, students in the Ph.D. program must pass a Qualifier Examination, Dissertation Proposal and Dissertation Defense.

Graduate CertificateCertificate in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology

The Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology Graduate Certificate is a multidisciplinary certificate program, spanning courses in the Francis College of Engineering, Kennedy College of Sciences and College of Health Sciences. The certificate is comprised of a coordinated program of courses jointly offered by the participating departments. This certificate is a 12-credit program comprised of two required three-credit courses and two elective three-credit courses.

Work Environment Graduate Programs
The faculty in the Biomedical Engineering Department participate in two graduate programs: Work Environment Graduate Programs in two areas related to Occupational Safety and Health-- Occupational Safety and Ergonomics ()S/E), and Occupational Epidemiology(OccEpi).

Graduate Master's Co-op

Co-opThis Engineering Department participates in the Graduate Master's Co-op Option in Engineering. For detailed information about the Master's Co-op Program, additional eligibility criteria, curriculum requirements, important dates, and application process, please see the Graduate Catalog Engineering Co-op page.

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