Academic Plan Process

  1. Step 1: Student makes an appointment with Academic Advisor.
  2. Step 2: Student discusses Academic Plan with Academic Advisor.
  3. Step 3: Academic Advisor initiates Academic Plan DocuSign form.
  4. Step 4: Academic Advisor completes their portion of the Academic Plan DocuSign.
  5. Step 5: DocuSign forwards the Academic Plan to student UML email.
  6. Step 6: Student electronically signs the Academic Plan in DocuSign.
  7. Step 7: DocuSign will send student a copy of the completed Academic Plan to the student UML email.
  8. Step 8: Student must download a copy of the completed Academic Plan from DocuSign.
  9. Step 9: Student must upload the copy to the Financial Aid Portal.
  10. Step 10: Remember to select “Finish” in the Financial Aid Portal to submit the completed SAP appeal.

Who is my Academic Advisor for Satisfactory Academic progress?

Students should contact their academic advisor listed in their SiS self-service. If a student does not hear back from their academic advisor within three business days or does not have an academic advisor listed on SiS self-service, they should contact the S.A.P. advisor listed below according to their major. Reminder that the deadline to submit a completed appeal is the last day of add/drop for each term that the student is appealing for.