On a need-based occurrence, UML Strive will provide a free meal for a student to use in any dining hall during the week (for a maximum of five meals per week). Meal qualification will occur for each semester when meals are requested. This occurrence is on a case-by-case basis and requires financial hardship beyond the student's control. You must complete the final section, which gives an explanation for your request, as well as information regarding your financial hardship. If you have received SOS in the past, you must provide reasoning as to why you are still in need of the program. Please know that SOS is a supplemental program, and you are encouraged to utilize all food resources. Please visit our community resources page for local resources in the area.

*Please be aware that the SOS Meals program is available during the academic year and not during the summer break. The UMass Lowell (UML) Strive Pantry is open during the summer, please email: uml_strive@uml.edu for details.

This form will initiate your request for meals and you will be contacted within 5 business days as to the status of your request. Not all requests will be granted. Criteria that will be taken into consideration will be financial aid information such as your income, family contributions, and/or tax filing status, as well as the circumstances outlined in your written letter. Once this form is completed, you will be notified about the status of your request via your student email address.

Do you have financial aid? Your SiS account will be reviewed, no need to supply proof of aid.
Have you been granted SOS Meals before?
*Required fields