Donations and Drives for UMass Lowell Strive Pantry
Monetary Contribution
Monetary donations make the greatest immediate impact for the food pantry, it allows us to purchase food and student supplies in bulk at times when opportunities for events like food drives are limited.
Online Donation to UMass Lowell Food and Resource Pantry
All donations made will go directly to the UML Strive Program.
Donating via Amazon Wish List
If you are looking to donate to the food pantry, we encourage you to order items off the Amazon Wish List. Items ordered from the wish list will be sent to campus.
Food and Personal Care Donations
Plan a Donation Drive
We encourage those interested in organizing a drive to complete the Donation Request Form. If your campus department or student organization is interested in hosting or adding a donation component to an event, please make sure to submit the form. For community organizations are also encouraged to complete the form. Please email: for more information.
Donation Drive Online Request Form
Receiving donations to the Strive Pantry
If you would like to drop off donations to the pantry, please email to coordinate a drop off time. Please be aware that it is your responsibility to transport items to the pantry, which is located in University Crossing.
Food Pantry Needs
Items always in need:
- Food Items:
- Canned meats (i.e. tuna, chicken, pork, etc.)
- Shelf safe tofu
- Peanut butter and other nut butters (i.e. almond, sunflower, etc.)
- Pasta, rice, cereal and dry mixes
- 100% fruit and vegetable juices (individual sizes if possible)
- Shelf stable milk and almond milk
- Snacks (i.e. granola bars, nuts, dried fruit)
- Items that meet specific dietary needs (i.e. gluten-free, vegan, dairy free)
- Seasonings (i.e. salt, pepper, etc.)
- Personal Care Items:
- Shampoo and Conditioner
- Body Wash
- Hand soap
- Laundry detergent pods
- Tooth paste and tooth brushes
- Feminine care products