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The Department of Physics offers certificates in: 

photonicsPhotonics & Opto-Electronic Devices Certificate

This certificate is offered jointly by the Electrical & Computer Engineering & Physics Departments and reflects the strong interests in the physics and technologies of electro-optics. Extensive research facilities include: new materials growth (molecular beam epitaxy) and device fabrication and testing laboratories.


This certificate is earned by taking four courses.

For the latest requirements, course descriptions and more, please consult the Academic Catalog.


Viktor Podolskiy, Ph.D.

rad%20healthRadiological Health Physics and General Work Environment Protection Certificate

This certificate is open to matriculated students who have completed the required core courses for the MS in Radiological Sciences. Students who already hold a graduate degree in Radiological Health Physics or Physics may also apply to this certificate program if they meet the core requirements.

The program is a collaborative endeavor between the University’s Physics and Radiological Sciences Program and the Work Environment Program. No other college or university in New England offers this type of program.


This certificate requires 14 credits of coursework earned by taking four courses.

For the latest requirements, course descriptions and more, please consult the Academic Catalog.


Mark Tries, Ph.D.