Chair, Professor
Weather and Climate Extremes, Hydrometeorology, Hydroclimatology
- Phone978-934-3918
- Emailjeffrey_basara@uml.edu
Professor, Graduate Coordinator
Climate Variability and Climate Change
- Phone978-934-3908
- EmailMathew_Barlow@uml.edu
Professor, Transfer Coordinator
Weather modeling, analysis and forecasting, boundary layer meteorology, tropical meteorology
- Phone978-934-3906
- EmailFrank_Colby@uml.edu
Geochemical processes, undergraduate and graduate programs
- Phone978-934-3907
- EmailG_Eby@uml.edu
Associate Professor
Geochemistry, geochronology, igneous petrology
- Phone978-934-3706
- EmailRichard_Gaschnig@uml.edu
Associate Professor
Coastal Hydrogeology, Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions, Coastal Groundwater Resources, Aquifer Biogeochemistry
- Phone978-934-6304
- Emailjames_heiss@uml.edu
Visiting Faculty Lecturer
Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Petroleum Geology
- Phone978-934-3917
- Emailkimberly_howell1@uml.edu
Professor, Director - Climate Change Initiative
Climate Change and Sustainability, Microbial Ecology, Biogeochemistry
- Phone978-934-4715
- EmailJuliette_RooneyVarga@uml.edu
Assistant Professor
Climate Change, Weather Extremes, Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions, Climate Modeling
- Phone978-934-3901
- EmailChristopher_Skinner@uml.edu
Associate Professor
Earth Surface processes & paleoclimatology, with an emphasis on glacial geology, permafrost processes & high-latitude climate change
- Phone978-934-2664
- EmailKate_Swanger@uml.edu
Teaching Professor, Associate Chair of Undergraduate Programs
Education specific to climate change, fresh water resources, earth science and general environmental science
- Phone978-934-3344
- EmailLori_Weeden@uml.edu
Assistant Professor
Terrestrial biogeochemistry, global change biology, urban ecology, ecosystem ecology, forest ecology, plant ecophysiology
- Phone978-934-3964
- Emailjoy_winbourne@uml.edu
Adjunct Faculty
Adjunct Faculty, Senior Engineer, Sanborn, Head & Associates
Air Pollution
Emeritus Faculty
Professor Emeritus
Theoretical molecular spectroscopy with emphasis on the spectral line shape problem
- Phone978-934-3904
- EmailRobert_Gamache@uml.edu
Emeritus Professor
Hydrogeology with special emphasis on hydrogeology of wetlands & groundwater/surface water interactions; also geomorphology & glacial & pleistocene geology
- Phone978-934-3902
- EmailArnold_OBrien@uml.edu
Meet our Students
Geochemistry, Geochronology, Isotope Chemistry, Provenance
Climate extremes, water availability, flash drought