In Our Own Little World
These articles were originally published in Experimental Techniques by the Society for Experimental Mechanics and Blackwell Publishing under the title of Modal Space - Back to Basics.
They are now available in Adobe PDF format (see www.adobe.com for free Acrobat PDF reader).
The following is the list of articles currently available:
- February 98 Could you explain modal analysis for me?
- April 98 Could you explain the difference between the time domain, frequency domain and modal space?
- June 98 Is there any difference between a modal test with a shaker excitation or impact excitation?
- August 98 Is there any difference between a roving hammer and roving accelerometer test?
- October 98 Should I always use a hard tip for impact testing so the input spectrum is flat over all frequencies?
- December 98 Which shaker excitation is best? Is there any difference?
- February 99 Curvefitting is so confusing to me! What do all the different techniques mean?
- April 99 I still don't understand curvefitting. How do I get mode shapes from FRFs?
- June 99 What's the difference between operating deflection shapes and mode shapes?
- August 99 Are you sure you can get mode shapes from one row or column of H?
- October 99 I heard someone say "Pete doesn't do windows" What's the scoop?
- December 99 I'm still overwhelmed by all this modal stuff - give me the big picture!
- February 00 I showed some mode shapes to someone; they asked if the structural design was OK
- April 00 Can I use an oblique angle to run a modal test?
- June 00 How many points are enough when running a modal test?
- August 00 Someone told me SDM will never work since I don't have all the modes
- October 00 Why is mass loading and data consistency so important for modal parameter estimation?
- December 00 I hear about SVD all the time; could you explain it simply to me?
- February 01 Does it make any sense to use actual loads when doing a modal test?
- April 01 When impact testing, can the use of the exponential window cause any problems?
- June 01 Is there any benefit to using multiple references? I thought only one reference was needed?
- August 01 What are some of the most important things to consider when impact testing?
- October 01 Should I use all measurements when estimating modal parameters?
- December 01 Can the test setup have an effect on the measured modal data?
- February 02 Which window is most appropriate for the various types of modal tests performed?
- April 02 What is the difference between a complex mode and a real normal mode?
- June 02 Could you please explain the basic steps to acquire data for modal testing?
- August 02 Is there any real advantage to MIMO testing? Why not just collect SISO and then move the shaker?
- October 02 What are some of the major mistakes that people make in modal tests so I don't make the same ones?
- December 02 Is it better to collect averaged FRF data for a modal test? or collect time data and process it afterwards?
- February 03 Why is calibration and mode shape scaling important and does it make a difference?
- April 03 Is it really necessary to reject a double impact? Are they really a problem?
- June 03 Someone told me that you must have multiple references to identify pseudo repeated roots
- August 03 I ran a modal test on a portion of a structure of concern and many modes look the same!
- What did I do wrong?
- October 03 Why do some measurements have anti-resonances and others do not?
- December 03 What's the difference between local and global curvefitting ??
- February 04 We talked about the number of points needed for a modal test before.
Someone told me that the entire shape may not need to be completely defined. - April 04 Do I need to have an accelerometer mounted in the X, Y and Z directions to do a modal test?
- June 04 Mode shape scaling requires a drive point measurement. Is there any way to scale shapes without this?
- August 04 I find overload and underload of the digitizer and range setting difficult to understand.
- October 04 Do mode shapes of a plate have any particular predetermined order?
- December 04 Once I have set up a good measurement, is there any reason to watch the time and frequency results for every FRF?
- February 05 I know that certain shaker excitations have different characteristics - but which one is best to use?
- April 05 When I perform impact testing, the input spectrum looks distorted - do you think my FFT analyzer has a problem?
- June 05 Why does my stability diagram of a component on a system show modes that the SUM or MIF don't show?
- August 05 Sometimes my input force is very smooth just as expected but often looks it is oscillating - Why is that?
- October 05 I ran a shaker test with a simple beam but the modes don't look right - What's wrong?
- December 05 Should the measurement bandwidth match the frequency range of interest for impact testing?
- February 06 Can modal parameters be extracted for heavily damped modes when you can't see them in the measured FRF's?
- April 06 What effect can the test setup and rigid body modes have on the higher flexible modes of interest?
- June 06 Is there any problem running a modal test with 2 Khz excitation but only analyzing up to 500 Hz?
- August 06 What is a good MAC value so I know my model is right?
- October 06 Someone told me that operating modal analysis produces better results.
- December 06 What is MRIT? I hear people talk about it for impact testing.
- February 07 What is the difference between all the mode indicator functions?
- April 07 How do you select the reference location for a modal test?
- June 07 How do you interpret the stability diagram?
- August 07 The Stability Diagram has poles that are not indicated by the MMIF or CMIF. Are they really modes?
- October 07 Bolted joints are common in structures. Can the frequency change significantly due to joints?
- December 07 Sometimes the mode shapes appear to be rotated from what is expected. Are the modes wrong? What’s up?
- February 08 A reference DOF is needed for all modal software systems. Why is the FFT analyzer reference different?
- April 08 Should more residuals be used to improve a curvefit? The results look better when many extra terms are used.
- June 08 My coherence is better in some measurements than others when impact testing. Am I doing something wrong?
- August 08 My accelerometer is not overloaded but my measurement is terrible. What could be wrong?
- October 08 Double impacts are undesirable. What about multiple impacts?
- December 08 Can you describe reciprocity? It just doesn’t make sense to me.
- February 09 Do we really need an accurate updated model?
- April 09 I made a stiffness modification to a free-free system. The flexible modes shifted down!
- June 09 I made a stiffness change to the tip of a cantilever beam but I can only shift the frequency so far.
- August 09 If I run a shaker test with the input oblique to the global coordinate system, how do I decompose the force into the specific components in each direction?
- October 09 When the Transfer Function is evaluated along the frequency axis, the damping is zero. Does this mean there is no damping in the system?
- December 09 Curvefitting still seems like black magic to me. Can you explain transfer function, FRF and parameters to me?
- February 10 Is there any effect in impact testing when hitting harder or softer with the different tips?
- April 10 Can the shaker stinger have any effect on the FRF measurements?
- June 10 I am still confused about how the SDOF in modal space is related to the physical response?
- August 10 I hear mode participation all the time. What does that really mean?
- October 10 Hey - I ran a test and got some extra modes I didn't expect. Does the overall test set up have any effect?
- December 10 Will the support mechanism have any effect on FRFs? Does bungie cord vs fishing line make any difference?
- February 11 Does the structure need to come to rest between impact measurements? Doesn't the damping window take care of that?
- April 11 Why can't I run a modal test with one big shaker and just "crank up the signal"?
- June 11 Is there really a difference running a modal test with MIMO as opposed to SISO?
- August 11 So if I use multiple reference vs single reference FRFs, is there really a difference in the modal parameters?
- October 11 Someone told me that you can’t accept a FRF when the input spectrum has more than a 20 dB rolloff
- December 11 Sometimes when I have a double impact, I switch hammer tips to eliminate it. Is that OK?
- February 12 I took a measurement one day and the next day the measurement looked different. How can that be?
- April 12 We compare tests to fully built-in models all the time. Can you really simulate built-in down in the lab?
- June 12 If you don’t excite a structure at its natural frequency, then how can you know what it is?
- August 12 How free does a test need to be? Does it really matter that much?
- October 12 So what really is a drive point FRF? Do you have to impact exactly at the same point?
- December 12 We updated a composite plate model but the properties seem to not be physical.
- February 13 Can you explain the Complex Mode Indicator Function (CMIF) again? What are these crossover frequencies?
- April 13 If the frequencies between test and model are close, then is the model correlated?
- June 13 Do you really need to measure FRFs? Or is a Transmissibility OK?
- August 13 If we perform a roving impact hammer test and impact many points, is there any possibility of missing a mode?
- October 13 So now I have another question…if the hammer impacts a node, then there is no response elsewhere?
- December 13 Someone told me they used a Hanning window for an impact test. That doesn’t seem right…Can that distort data?
- February 14 An eigensolution gives us frequencies. But how do we get mode shapes?
- April 14 Do you need to mount triaxial accelerometers at all locations? That can result in more channels needed and more cost.
- June 14 Does gravity come into play when testing to find frequencies? Does orientation make a difference?
- August 14 So I am still confused about the MAC? What is a "good" value for MAC?
- October 14 So what is the best way to make a free-free test set up ... because nothing is really free-free.
- December 14 So before you end this Modal Space series ... can you provide some last pieces of advice?
A compilation of the all of the articles is also available.
If you have a question on some aspect of Modal Analysis, just contact us.
In January 2001, Sound & Vibration magazine published an article entitled Experimental Modal Analysis - A Simple Non-Mathematical Overview which is a very good summary on the main aspects relating to experimental modal analysis.
A copy of the notes that are used for the Society for Experimental Mechanics, Young Engineer Program is offered every year at the International Modal Analysis Conference is available online:
For any further information please contact us.