Students must choose between an oral presentation or a poster presentation. Students may participate as an individual or as a team (no more than three team members in each team). For both options, students must first submit an abstract for approval by their faculty or staff advisor.
Please note: this year, we will not be hosting a preliminary round. Due to limitations in time and space, the Student Symposium can only accommodate a maximum number of presenters for each presentation track. This means that participation in the competition is first come, first serve. Please submit your abstract as soon as possible to reserve a spot as a presenter.
Oral presentation
Students participating in the oral presentation track will present in front of a panel of 3-5 judges. Presentations should be no more than three minutes. The judges will have approximately five minutes to ask questions to learn more about the presenters’ projects and their challenges, solutions, impact, etc.
Oral presenters will need to prepare at least one slide to accompany their presentation.
Poster presentation
Students participating in the poster presentation track will present to at least three judges who may visit presenters together or separately. Presentations should be no more than five minutes. Each judge will have approximately five minutes to ask questions during or after presentations.
Poster presenters must prepare a poster in the following dimensions: 36” (width) X 24” (height).
Competition Winners
Each college will award at least one undergraduate and one graduate student or team as winners for both tracks.
Winning individual submissions and team submissions will receive $200.
In addition, at least one individual or team from each college will be selected as a “Fan Favorite” winner based on attendee feedback and input from judges. Fan Favorite winners receive $100 as both individuals and teams.