CPH News & Views is a quarterly publication on a range of emerging research topics related to healthy workplaces. Click on any subject below to view a list of all relevant CPH News & Views issues.
- This old thing: Spotlight on workplace ageism. Issue #76
- Addressing the challenge of supporting young adults with chronic disease and disability in the labor market. Issue #54
- Improving self-care among aging workers with coronary heart disease: A growing priority. Issue #19
- Working older: Health challenges and the shifting demographics of employment. Issue #16
- Associations Among Workplace Factors, Length of Sick Leave, Work Ability and Leisure Time Physical Activity in Working Breast Cancer Survivors. Issue #61
- Occupational and leisure time physical activity: Do they have similar effects on cardiovascular health? Issue #24
- Opportunities for reducing the burden of asthma via workplace policies and programs. Issue #23
- How does job stress contribute to cardiovascular disease, and what can be done to intervene? Issue #3
- Why is cardiovascular disease a problematic issue for many occupational safety and health investigators. Issue #2
- Trends in resident handling equipment in nursing homes and factors associated with consistent use. Issue #46
- Alternative computer input devices: Implications for musculoskeletal symptoms. Issue #42
- Will treadmill workstations be used by office workers? Issue #38
- Reducing prolonged sitting in the workplace: Developing best practice. Issue #31
- Can ergonomic stressors be reduced for nursing home workers? Issue #13
- The hazards of just standing around. Issue #7
- Understanding and counteracting the obesogenic work environment. Issue #28
- How do working conditions affect personal health conditions like smoking, exercise, and being overweight? Issue #14
- What is the scientific rationale for workplace programs that combine health promotion with occupational ergonomics? Issue #1
- Managing Psychosocial Risk in the Workplace: It’s Time for Progress. Issue #77
- Mental well-being at work: An expanding frontier in Total Worker Health® research. Issue #70
- The Impact of Race-Related Stress on Educators of Color. Issue #69
- Workplace Sexual Harassment Among Low-Income Latinas (Latinas TRASH Violence at Work). Issue #63
- Workplace Bullying, Consequences and Solutions. Issue #44
- Job stress prevention & control: Developing best practice. Issue #27
- Working conditions, employee mental health, and intention to leave the job. Issue #21
- Enhancing civility at work - with attention to the healthcare sector. Issue #17
- Workplace violence among healthcare workers. Issue #10
- How can workplace health promotion professionals address job stress as a modifiable risk factor for heart disease and other chronic diseases? Issue #8
- Facilitating early return-to-work after musculoskeletal conditions: A system-level pilot intervention program (RETAIN) in Connecticut. Issue #60
- Lobstermen participate in ergonomics research on breaking down traps to reduce risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders. Issue #58
- Musculoskeletal pain and exercise self-efficacy as contributors to low level physical activity and quality of life. Issue #43
- Assault among nursing home workers and frequency and severity of musculoskeletal pain. Issue #41
- Differences among nursing homes in the outcomes of a safe resident handling program. Issue #32
- Training at the workplace improves cleaners’ internal resources for handling demanding work. Issue #30
- How job stress contributes to musculoskeletal disorders: Work organization as the underlying cause. Issue #9
- Why Safety Is Never First and What To Do About It. Issue #80
- Evidence Informed Resources to Address Stress and Trauma in Corrections Officers. Issue #78
- Occupational and racial disparities for COVID-19 risks: What can employers do? Issue #68
- Employer Preparedness: A Total Worker Health® Perspective to Promote Worker Well-Being in the Face of Disasters. Issue #66
- Total Worker Health® - an integrated approach to a healthier workplace. Issue #64
- The Role of Safe Patient handling in Reducing Type II Workplace Violence in Healthcare Setting. Issue #62
- Protecting Workers from Heat: A Total Worker Health® Challenge. #59
- Safety Climate and the Occupational Safety and Health Management Process Issue. #50
- Total Hearing Health - Protecting your hearing at home and at work. Issue #48
- Occupational health and safety hazards in child care work. Issue #45
- Using Participatory Ergonomics to Address Patient Handling Injuries in a Community Hospital. Issue #73
- Correctional workforce health and wellness. Issue #40
- The proof is in the process: Participation as the cornerstone of a healthy workplace. Issue #33
- Getting employees on board: Factors influencing participation in worksite health promotion programs. Issue #22
- Participatory teams of workers can strengthen and broaden the scope of health promotion programs. Issue #18
- Work-Related Suicide: Evolving Understandings of Etiology & Intervention. Issue #82
- What’s DEI Got To Do With Total Worker Health®? Issue #81
- Reducing Opioid Dependence for Injured Workers: Exploring the Opioid Alternative Treatment Pathway in Massachusetts. Issue #79
- Hybrid Work is More Than Geography – It is an Organizational Change. Issue #75
- Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Deficits in Safety Culture Failed Healthcare Workers. Issue #74
- Work organization and the health of human service workers: The impact of managerialism. Issue #53
- A Nationally-Representative Employer Survey on Total Worker Health®. Issue #52
- Minding the gap between research and practice: Can we predict which organizations and people will most successfully implement a health-oriented innovation? Issue #37
- A national program for worksite health. Issue #25
- The Healthy Workforce Act of 2007 and quality standards for workplace health promotion programs. Issue #6
- Economic Evaluation of Workplace Interventions to Reduce Occupational Morbidity. Issue #5
- A Healthy Sleep Intervention for Correctional Supervisors. Issue #57
- Non-Pharmacologic Intervention to Improve Alertness and Vigilance in Older Shift Workers. Issue #55
- How does sleep quality impact safety and health, especially among shift workers, and what can be done to help? Issue #12
- Shift work - working against our internal clocks. Issue #11
- Supporting Working Caregivers During COVID: Trends and Strategies. Issue #67
- Overtime work and work-family conflict among correctional supervisors. Issue #65
- Supervisor support training makes a difference for worker well-being. Issue #56
- Commuting and work - what contributes to employees' risky commuting safety behaviors and what can be done about it? Issue #47
- Work-family conflict and caregiving among nurses: Can self-scheduling ease the burden? Issue #35
- Employment and breastfeeding: Differences by race or socio-economic status. Issue #29
- Work-family conflict: Current status and future directions. Issue #26
- Juggling work and eldercare responsibilities. Issue #20
- Promoting Workplace Inclusion for Autistic Individuals Through Universal Design. Issue #83
- Shut Off the Lights? The Duality of Blue Light Exposure. Issue #72
- Turning Trying Times to Thriving Times. Issue #71
- Workplace Psychosocial Environment and Employees’ Health Behavior: More Evidence to Support the Link Issue. Issue #51
- The importance of a supportive climate for health in organizations. Issue #49
- Use of financial incentives in workplace weight-loss program. Issue #39
- Can TWH™ benefit from considering the positive side of the health continuum? Issue #36
- Very small businesses: Increasing wellness program resources. Issue #34
- Promoting healthy and good tasting foods (pdf). Issue #15
- How to increase physical activity at the workplace (pdf). Issue #4