As a first step to beginning the program, find out whether your organization has the resources, knowledge and competencies needed for success by taking the short 5 minutes interactive survey below.
- You will determine to what extent your organization has the resources required for a successful program. Suggestions are provided on how to build resources.
- You will take stock of your organization's existing knowledge and competencies in health, safety and wellness. Suggestions are provided on how to integrate these existing competencies into the Healthy Workplace Participatory Program.
- Take the 7-item online survey as a quick screen to assess your organization’s readiness for the HWPP.
- View or print the 24-item Organizational Readiness Survey handout (pdf) to learn more about this group-level assessment tool.
- Take the 24-item Organizational Readiness Survey for a thorough evaluation of resources available to implement the HWPP.
- Fill out this sign-up form to request assistance from CPH-NEW to:
- Administer the 24-item Organizational Readiness Survey and
- Generate a custom aggregate report of findings
Once you have taken the survey, you are ready to: Gather Management Input and Support. This step is vital for successful initiation of the program.