Core Research Facilities (CRF)

Search our database of facilities and equipment, then schedule using the online system. Our Core Research Facilities are managed by professional staff.

Using our CRF system is simple. We have a standardized Core Research Facilities Agreement which is automatically renewable up to five years. The terms and conditions are non-negotiable providing rapid execution which can make you a CRF user in less than a day!

Once the CRF Agreement is executed, users are able to reserve instrument use, training and services across all UMass Lowell Core Research Facilities. Please select the appropriate user link for detailed information and instructions:

Campus Resources

Many faculty and center laboratories are available to internal and external researchers by using a purchase order or research services agreement through our Office of Sponsored Programs. Contact information is listed under instrument or service within our searchable database.  Please contact Jacqueline Black, Executive Director, Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) regarding contractual arrangements by email: or phone: 978-934-4739.