The University of Massachusetts Lowell Radiation safety office is pleased to present our newly revised computer based radiation safety training. This training is designed for the UMass Lowell (UML) community who need to enter and conduct work in a radiation laboratory. The training runs through Adobe Shockwave Player and may need to be downloaded. You should be prompted by your computer to download it if your computer is not set up for flash viewing:

New Workers 

Steps to Formalize your Radiation Safety Training (Radiation Workers)

  1. Complete the basic radiation safety training, lessons 1-10 with interactive quiz embedded in lesson 10 (estimated 2-4 hours). The passing quiz results are automatically emailed to upon completion.
  2. Gather necessary training forms (see forms webpage of the website), have your Principal Investigator sign necessary paperwork.
  3. Complete our campus Safety Culture Training (est. 30min).
  4. Complete any specific training necessary for the lab in which you will be working in (see site specific training webpages)
  5. Please navigate to the training database website to register your training by requesting new trainings (laser or radiation). For clarification on how to enter information refer to the written instructions for using the UML training tracking system (pdf). Refresher training email notifications will come out (within 2 years of initial training) so please follow the instruction to renew your training when necessary or your status as a radiation worker will be revoked. One can also track their training, or request other trainings through the training database website.
  6. The labs PI/Authorized user must approve your training status as an active member and after site specific training is complete through the PI training database link under awaiting approval (LOGIN required)
  7. Contact radiation safety to setup an in-person radiation safety training (estimated 30-60min).

Refresher Radiation Safety Training

  1. Complete the basic radiation safety training, lessons 7-10, with interactive quiz embedded in lesson 10. The passing quiz results are automatically emailed to: upon completion.
  2. For group re-training, work with the radiation safety office to create a time and a staff member will come to train your whole group (1-1.5hrs)

LESSONSRadiation Safety Training for Radiation Workers

These training modules are offered for official UML business only, and as such, we take no responsibility for the use/misuse of said content.

Radiation-training-recordsRequired Basic Radiation Safety Training Records (Radiation Worker Training)

  • All Training records can be found on the Forms webpage of the website

ContactContact the Safety Office

Email the radiation safety office: or use the interactive requests below: