Report a Concern Online
There are multiple ways for faculty, staff, students and visitors to share concerns regarding inappropriate behavior or actions. You can do so online, by phone, in person or anonymously. For all your reporting options, visit the Report a Concern page.
If you have a disability or limited English proficiency and need reasonable accommodations or language services to file a complaint or to access the university’s programs or activities, please contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Outreach at 978-934-3565.
Our office reviews online and phone reports between 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. If this is an emergency, please contact the UMass Lowell Police Department at 978-934-4911. Officials with Authority must report concerns of which they learn within 24 hours.
Report a Concern Directly (Non-Confidential)
You have the option to report directly to the following individuals. Please note that if you wish to file a formal complaint, you will be asked to meet with an investigator.
- Title IX Coordinator: William Cummings, Director, Equal Opportunity & Outreach Phone: 978-934-3565, email:
- Deputy Title IX Coordinator: Andrew Klein, Assistant Director, Equal Opportunity & Outreach, Phone: 978-934-3573, email:
- Deputy Title IX Coordinator: Ann Ciaraldi, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Phone: 978-934-2104, email:
To report a concern regarding a FACULTY MEMBER, STAFF, VENDOR, CONTRACTOR OR OTHER THIRD PARTY related to any of the equal opportunity protected categories, including sexual misconduct that is not covered by the definition of sexual harassment, contact:
- Title IX Coordinator: William Cummings, Director, Equal Opportunity & Outreach Phone: 978-934-3565, email:
- Deputy Title IX Coordinator: Andrew Klein, Assistant Director, Equal Opportunity & Outreach, Phone: 978-934-3573, email:
To report a concern regarding a STUDENT or for questions regarding student conduct, including inappropriate behavior based on sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking:
- Ann Ciaraldi, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Phone: 978-934-2104, email:, Address: University Crossing, 220 Pawtucket St., Suite 200, Lowell, MA 01854.
- Sandra Roecker, Senior Associate Athletic Director/SWA, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Phone: 978-934-6805, email:, Address: Costello Athletic Center, 275 Riverside Dr., Lowell, MA 01854.
Report to UML Police (Confidential or Non-Confidential)
If you report sexual assault or domestic violence directly to the UMass Lowell Police Department, you may request confidentiality, so that the matter will not be reported to the university for a Title IX review.
UMass Lowell Police Department
To report a crime, please contact the police.
- Emergency: from a university phones - dial 44-911; from a cell phone - call 978-934-4911
- Non-Emergency: from a university phone - dial 4-2398; from a cell phone - call 978-934-2398
- University Crossing, 220 Pawtucket St., Suite 170, Lowell, MA 01854
- Email:
The UMass Lowell Police Department strongly advocates that a person subjected to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence or stalking report the incident in a timely manner. Time is a critical factor. Filing a police report will not obligate you to prosecute, nor will it subject you to scrutiny or judgmental opinions from officers. Filing a police report will:
- Ensure that a person subjected to sexual assault receives the necessary medical treatment and tests, at no expense to the person;
- Provide the opportunity for collection of evidence helpful in prosecution, which cannot be obtained later (ideally a person subjected to sexual assault should not wash, douche, use the toilet, or change clothing prior to a medical / legal exam)
- Ensure the person subjected to sexual assault has access to free confidential counseling from counselors specifically trained in the area of sexual assault crisis intervention.
Report a Concern (Confidential)
For Students
- Counseling Services: Wellness Center
University Crossing 300
Walk-in or phone appt.
978-934-6800 (anonymous reporting) - Health Services: Wellness Center
University Crossing 300
Walk-in or phone appt.
978-934-4991 (anonymous reporting) - Campus Ministries
978-934-2100 (anonymous reporting)
For Employees
GuidanceResources Employee Assistance Program offers many resources, information and services , including counseling. There are two ways to access your GuidanceResources benefits:
- Call 844-393-4983, TDD: 800-697-0353. You'll connect to a counseling professional who will listen to/read your concerns and can guide you to the appropriate services you require.
- Visit the GuidanceResources website. You will need to Register and create a User Name and Password. Your organizational web ID is UMASS.