1499 Middlesex St.
150 Wilder St. (150WIL)
175 Cabot St. (175CAB)
45 Lawrence Drive
5 Lawrence Drive
817 Merrimack St.
820 Broadway St. (820BRO)
Allen House (ALL)
Alumni Hall (ALU)
Ames Building (AME)
Ball Hall (BAL)
Bellegarde Boathouse & Kayak Center (BEL)
Boott Cotton Mills Complex
Bourgeois Hall (BOU)
Campus Recreation Center (CRC)
Charles J. Hoff Alumni Scholarship Center
Coburn Hall (COB)
Concordia Hall (CON)
Costello Athletic Center (COS)
Cumnock Hall (CUM)
Dandeneau Hall
Donahue Hall (DON)
Dugan Hall (DUG)
Falmouth Annex/North Power Plant (NPP/GMG)
Falmouth Hall (FAL)
Fox Hall (FOX)
Graduate and Professional Studies Center (GPS)
Innovation Hub (110 Canal)
Leitch Hall (LEI)
LeLacheur Park
Lydon Library (LYD)
Mahoney Hall (MAH)
Manning Health & Social Sciences Building (HSS)
McGauvran Center (MCG)
Moloney Performing Arts Center (MPAC)
O'Leary Library (OLE)
Olney Science Center (OLN)
Olsen Hall (OLS)
Perry Hall (PER)
Pinanski Hall (PIN)
Pulichino Tong Business Center (PTB)
River Hawk Village
River Hawk Village Townhouses
Riverview Suites, East and West (RIV)
Saab Emerging Technologies & Innovation Center (ETIC)
Shah Hall (KIT)
Sheehy Hall (SHE)
South Power Plant (SPP)
Southwick Hall (SOU)
Tsongas Center at UMass Lowell (TSO)
University Crossing (UCC)
University Crossing Building B (UCC)
University Suites (USR)
Wannalancit Business Center (WAN)
Weed Hall (WEE)
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