Honors Project Deadlines and Forms

By the time you declare your intent to graduate you must file an Honors Declaration Form (DocuSign) with the Honors College to opt into either the Honors College Distinction (non-Honors Project option) or Commonwealth Honors (Honors Project/Thesis option) for Honors College Graduation. Next you need to find a mentor during the semester before you start your project. Please Note: Instructor consent is required to complete a project add-on or enhancement when using an upper-level course as the H7 or H8. During the first semester of your Honors Project, you must submit an Honors Project Proposal for approval. Then you continue to work on your project for 1 or 2 semesters before publicly presenting your work. Below are the forms and deadlines:

Honors Declaration Form Deadlines

If you will be Graduating in:

  • Summer Session your Declaration Form is due upon declaring your intent to graduate.
  • Fall Semester your Declaration Form is due upon declaring your intent to graduate.
  • Spring Semester your Declaration Form is due upon declaring your intent to graduate.

Note: you may submit the Honors Declaration Form ahead of these deadlines.

Honors Project Deadlines

Two-semester Project
(Commencing Spring Semester)
Two-Semester Project
(Commencing Summer Session)
Two-Semester Project
(Commencing Fall Semester)
One-Semester Project
(Commencing Fall Semester)
One-Semester Project
(Commencing Spring Semester)
Complete H7Spring SemesterSummer SessionFall SemesterFall Semester
(Can be concurrent with H8)
Spring Semester
(Can be concurrent with H8)
Find Committee Member(s)Spring Advising Period
Late March
Sept. 15Fall Advising Period
(Mid October)
Sept. 30Feb. 15
File Proposal with Honors CollegeMarch 31Sept. 15Oct. 31Sept. 30Feb. 15
Complete H8Fall SemesterFall SemesterSpring SemesterFall SemesterSpring Semester
Publicly Present Honors ProjectPresent By Fall Reading DayPresent By Fall Reading DayPresent By Spring Reading DayPresent By Fall Reading DayPresent By Spring Reading Day

Students undertaking a research project in Mathematics extend their project over three terms using Senior Seminar I, II, and III. If not extending the project, students use Senior Seminar I and II for H7 and H8. Students completing an Honors Project in Plastics Engineering should register for the Honors sections of Capstone Project I and II.

Honors College Presentation

Honors College Presentations are hosted at the College or Department level. All presentations must be completed by Reading Day. Presentation scheduling details are coordinated mid-semester in Fall and Spring and on a case-by-case basis in Summer.