Honors Project Deadlines and Forms
By the time you declare your intent to graduate you must file an Honors Declaration Form (DocuSign) with the Honors College to opt into either the Honors College Distinction (non-Honors Project option) or Commonwealth Honors (Honors Project/Thesis option) for Honors College Graduation. Next you need to find a mentor during the semester before you start your project. Please Note: Instructor consent is required to complete a project add-on or enhancement when using an upper-level course as the H7 or H8. During the first semester of your Honors Project, you must submit an Honors Project Proposal for approval. Then you continue to work on your project for 1 or 2 semesters before publicly presenting your work. Below are the forms and deadlines:
- Project Proposal Form (Docusign form)
- Project Completion Form (Docusign form)