The field of public health is ever changing and expanding. It has played a major role in promoting the health of the nation and the world, and in extending life expectancy. It is expected that the growing demand for public health professionals will confront a critical shortage in the near future.
UMass Lowell Department of Public Health offers the following certificate programs:
- Health Informatics
- Health Service Management
- Public Health Informatics and Technology
- Public Health Studies
A four-course certificate program is available to individuals who are not ready to pursue a master's degree. The certificates are designed to help professionals take advantage of advanced studies beyond the bachelor's degree and acquire new knowledge and skills. It gives other individuals the opportunity to explore graduate education without committing to a full course of study for a master's degree. A bachelor's degree is a requirement for admission.
Courses completed in the certificate programs can be applied to graduate degrees.
Health%20InformaticsHealth InformaticsInformatics
The management of information in health care is growing in importance. Applications include: electronic medical records, physician order entry systems, pharmaceutical systems and financial applications. This certificate is intended for individuals with a background in health and health care who wish to apply current computer technology to the management of health care services in clinical, financial and record-keeping areas. Available Online: Learn more and apply.
Health Service Management
PHITPublic Health Informatics and Technology
This four-course, 12-credit Graduate Certificate Program in Public Health Informatics and Technology is intended for individuals interested in gaining an educational foundation in both public health and health informatics. The certificate is expected to serve as a stand-alone credential for students who want to enter the PHIT field that merges these two growing fields. It can also serve as a conduit for students who want to test which UMass Lowell master’s degree program would be most suitable for them—the Master of Public Health degree, or the Master of Science in Health Information Management. Available Online: Learn more and apply.
PublicPublic Health Studies
A four-course, 12-credit Graduate Certificate Program in Public Health Studies is intended for individuals with diverse health, natural science, and social science backgrounds who are interested in careers in public health. The courses offered in the certificate program are foundation courses in the Master of Public Health program. The certificate is expected to serve as a conduit into the MPH program for students who are not yet ready for application/admission. The certificate program will enable students to decide whether they should apply to a 42-credit MPH program. The graduate certificate will also provide students in the health care field with the additional course work to advance careers in the area of public health. Available Online, On-Campus and Blended Online/On-Campus: Learn more and apply.