Recent Professional Presentations

The UMass Lowell Department of Physical Therapy & Kinesiology faculty and students translate scientific, clinical, and pedagogical knowledge to the community we serve and the overall profession, evidenced by the delivery of numerous international, national, and regional presentations at professional conferences and symposia. In addition, many UMass Lowell undergraduate and graduate students have been authors or co-authors of these presentations under the mentorship of department faculty.

Click on the plus signs below to expand the list of professional presentations from our department by each year.

  • International Professional Presentations

    Kim Y. Effects of exercise on muscle mitochondrial quality control. Invited oral presentation virtually delivered at 2023 Korean Society of Exercise Physiology International Conferences & Annual Meeting, Cheonan, South Korea (April 6-8, 2023).

    O’Neil ME, Bloemen M, Liao HF, Kinnunen A. Paediatric physiotherapy: Promoting health literacy, physical activity, & participation. Educational panel presentation delivered at the World Physiotherapy Conference, Dubai, UAE. (June 2, 2023).

    Zhu Z, Clark J, Sanchez-Botero L, Agrawala A, Kramer-Bottiglio R, Kao PC, Yanco H, Gu Y. Joint angle estimation using soft wearable sensor measurement. Poster presentation delivered at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Detroit, MI (October, 2023).

    National Professional Presentations

    Chen MJ, Xu Y, Sirois A^, Li Y, Dempski R, Smith GM, Oda Y, Telliel YD, Lewis E, Wolkowicz K. WheelUp! Developing an interactive electric-power wheelchair virtual training environment. Peer-reviewed platform presentation delivered at the IEEE CoG Conference on Games. Boston, MA, USA (August 16, 2023).

    Cornell DJ. Introduction to firefighter injury statistics and etiology. In: Structural versus Wildland Firefighters: What Do I Need to Know When Treating these Tactical Athletes?. Peer-reviewed educational session delivered at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA (February 24, 2023).

    Cornell DJ. Structural firefighters: unique job demands and known musculoskeletal injury risk factors. In: Structural versus Wildland Firefighters: What Do I Need to Know When Treating these Tactical Athletes?. Peer-reviewed educational session delivered at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA (February 24, 2023).

    Cornell DJ, Sherriff TJ#, Proulx QJ^, Rogers DW^, Duong MT^, Hill JJ^, Himariotis AT#. Validity of a smart garment to collect measures of heart rate variability during rest and post-exercise recovery. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA (July 14, 2023).

    Cornell DJ, Sherriff TJ#, Duong MT^, Hill JJ^, Proulx QJ^, Rogers DW^, Himariotis AT#. Validity of a smart garment to collect heart rate data during rest, exercise, and recovery. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA (May 31, 2023).

    Cornell D, Fouhy L#, Mangano K, Zhang X, Dawson-Hughes B, Falcón L, Tucker K, Noel S. Association between epinephrine, bone mineral density, and odds of osteoporosis in Puerto Rican adults. Abstract delivered as an oral presentation at the American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, San Juan, PR, USA (March 9, 2023).

    Fouhy LE#, Cornell DJ, Mattei J, Tucker KL, Li W, Noel SE. Heart rate variability predicts inflammation in Puerto Rican adults living in the Boston area. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA (June 2, 2023).

    Fouhy L#, Cornell D, O’Neil J, Falcón L, Tucker K, Rodriguez-Orengo J, Noel S. Association between perceived stress, chronic stress, and resilience and self-reported osteoporosis among Puerto Rican adults. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, San Juan, PR, USA (March 9, 2023).

    Gauthier LV. Neuroplasticity speed rounds: leveraging neuroplasticity through a rehabilitation gaming home program. Lecture presentation delivered at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA (October, 2023).

    Hallbourg K. Effect of virtual reality on a physical therapy student's interpersonal patient communication. Oral presentation delivered at the International Virtual Reality Healthcare Association Virtual Reality and Healthcare Global Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, USA (March 4, 2023).

    Kao PC, Lomasney C^. Walking stability and kinematic variability following physical fatigue induced by incline treadmill walking. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN, USA (August, 2023).

    Kao PC, Cring CH^, Norton A, Seay JF. Effects of overground-based versus treadmill-based exoskeleton training protocols on human-exoskeleton performance. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA (June, 2023).

    Kao PC, Pierro MA#, Gonzalez DM^. Performance during attention-demanding walking conditions in older adults with and without a fall history. Abstract delivered as a podium presentation at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA (February, 2023).

    Kim Y, Dhorajia VV#, Debreli Coskun M, Kim J. Preliminary study of concurrent exercise on iron status in the doxorubicin-treated heart. abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA (May 30 – June 2, 2023).

    Kim Y, Dhorajia VV#, Cheng R#, Kim J. Possible role of heme iron for mitochondrial homeostasis in the heart of Friedreich’s ataxia at early stage. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at American Physiology Summit, Long Beach, CA, USA (April 20-23, 2023).

    Krishna S, Spaulding HR, Koltes JE, Quindry JC, Valentine RJ, Selsby JT. Indicators of increased ER stress and unfolded protein response in aged D2-mdx and human dystrophic skeletal muscles. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the Advances in Skeletal Muscle Biology in Health and Disease, Gainesville, FL (March 15-17, 2023).

    Mensah NI, Dodds CB, O’Neil ME, Quinn L. Physical activity measures, definitions, and recommendations for children with cerebral palsy: GMFCS levels IV & V. Educational panel presentation delivered at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA (February 25, 2023).

    O’Neil ME. Fitness for children with disabilities. Invited lecture delivered at the American Physical Therapy Association Academy of Pediatrics Advanced Clinical Practice Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA (October 1, 2023).

    Potts L, O’Neil ME, Noble E, Mensah N. Get Active! A school-based approach to promoting physical activity. Educational panel presentation delivered at the American Physical Therapy Association Academy of Pediatrics Annual Conference, Omaha, NE, USA (October 10, 2023).

    Reed CH, Tystahl AC, Bauer EE, Eo H, Lee JH, Buhr TJ, Clark PJ, Valentine RJ. The effects of acute stress and repeated bouts of ethanol consumption on rates of muscle protein synthesis and related signaling in male mice. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American Physiology Summit, Long Beach, CA (April 20-23, 2023).

    Rosen J, Rizzolo R, Lefkowitz J, Mueller I, Nicholas J, Reda C, Chheda A, Bennett M, Feiner S, O’Neil ME. Virtual reality to promote fitness in ambulatory youth with cerebral palsy: a case series. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA (February 24, 2023).

    Vieira-Potter VJ, Maloney A, Queathem ED, Schaller K, Buckhary S, Lubahn DB, Valentine RJ. Effects of CL316,243 on skeletal muscle metabolism: Role of sex and estrogen receptor beta. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA (May 30- June 2, 2023).

    Wu YN, Norton A, Zielinski M, Stanwicks A#, Pang P#. A survey study identifying challenging explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) operation tasks by public safety technicians. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA (May 30- June 2, 2023).

    Regional Professional Presentations

    Cornell DJ. Heart rate recovery: physiology, assessment, and insight it can provide regarding the autonomic recovery of firefighters. Tutorial lecture delivered at the American College of Sports Medicine New England Regional Chapter Fall Conference, Springfield, MA, USA (October 12, 2023).

    Dillon A#, Jones M#, Pope R#, Francis J#, McNamara A#, Stanwicks A#. Postpartum pelvic floor dysfunction education and the impact on quality of life for postpartum women. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American Physical Therapy Association Massachusetts Chapter Annual Conference, Norwood, MA, USA (November 11, 2023) (mentored by O’Neil ME).

    Feinstein S#, Frye I#, Esker S. Development of S.T.R.I.D.E.S- building a student led DEI group from the ground up. Platform presentation delivered at the American Physical Therapy Association Massachusetts Chapter Annual Conference, Norwood, MA, USA (November 11, 2023) (mentored by Moriarty-Baron J).

    Gauthier LV. How to use RxGames as a treatment multiplier. Invited lecture presentation delivered via RXXR Virtual Webinars (November, 2023).

    Gauthier LV, Crawfis R, Clancy B. How to optimize rehabilitation outcomes using behavioral techniques and game-based home practice. Invited lecture presentation delivered at the Ohio State’s Neuronights virtual symposium (December, 2023).

    Kao PC, Ruggiero MJ^, Lauretano ER^, Holmes TC^, Norton A, Seay JF. Effects of an overground-based exoskeleton user training protocol on mobility performance for untrained tasks. Abstract delivered as a podium presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine New England Regional Chapter Fall Conference, Springfield, MA, USA (Oct, 2023).

    Kim Y. Mitochondrial remodeling in muscle health and disease. Invited talk delivered at Department of Exercise & Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, MA, USA (November 17, 2023).

    Lee JH, Reed CH, Arriaga C, Carrillo C, Selsby JT, Rowling MJ, Valentine RJ. Decreased muscle mass and unaltered inflammatory signaling associated proteins in skeletal muscle of 14-week-old Zucker diabetic fatty rat. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the Iowa Physiological Society Annual Meeting, Des Moines, IA, USA (December 9, 2023).

    Moriarty-Baron J, Gauthier LV. Coordinating behavior modification strategies with home programming to meet best practice recommendations in neurorehabilitation. Educational session delivered at the American Physical Therapy Association Massachusetts Chapter Annual Conference, Norwood, MA, USA (November 11, 2023).

    O’Neil ME, Wojciechowicz C, Fragala-Pinkham M, Ramakrishnan A, Shewokis P. Pediatric physical therapists’ perspectives on using active video games for ambulatory youth with cerebral palsy. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American Physical Therapy Association Massachusetts Chapter Annual Conference, Norwood, MA, USA (November 11, 2023).

    Reed CH, Tystahl AC, Bauer EE, Eo H, Lee JH, Buhr TJ, Clark PJ, Valentine RJ. The effects of acute stress and repeated bouts of ethanol consumption on rates of muscle protein synthesis and related signaling in male mice. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the Iowa Physiological Society Annual Meeting, Des Moines, IA, USA (December 9, 2023).

    Vorwald M, Krishna S, Lee JH, Roths M, Valentine RJ, Selsby JT. Obesogenic diet-induced insulin resistance in mdx mice. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the Iowa Physiological Society Annual Meeting, Des Moines, IA, USA (December 9, 2023).

    ^denotes undergraduate student author
    #denotes graduate student author

  • International Professional Presentations

    Clark JP, Zhu Z, Agrawala A, Botero L, Kramer-Bottiglio R, Kao PC, Gu Y, Yanco HA. Soft, wearable sensors for comfortable joint-angle measurement in lower-limb exoskeletons. In: Workshop on Online Machine Learning-Based Control of Lower Limb Exoskeletons. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Philadelphia, PA, USA (2022).

    Kao PC, Lomasney C^, Russell A^. Effects of induced motor fatigue on walking mechanics and energetics. Abstract delivered as a thematic poster presentation at the North American Congress on Biomechanics, Ottawa, Canada (August, 2022).

    Kim Y, Dhorajia VV#, Cheng R#, Kim J. Iron deficiency may be a key feature in the heart of Friedreich’s ataxia at early stage. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the International Congress for Ataxia Research, Dallas, TX, USA (November 1-4, 2022).

    Kim Y, Bleck CKE, Glancy B. Mitochondrial structural development in the heart of mice. Abstract delivered as a virtual poster presentation at 18th International Biochemistry of Exercise Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada (May 25-28, 2022).

    Wu YN, Pang P#, Stanwicks A#. Muscle activation during reciprocal movement under blood flow restriction and per-cooling. Abstract delivered as a podium presentation at the 9th World Congress of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan (July 10-14, 2022).

    National Professional Presentations

    Ajayi P, Kim Y, Bleck CKE, Glancy B. Developmental regulation of sarcomere branching in cardiomyocytes. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at Experimental Biology, Philadelphia, PA, USA (April 2-5, 2022).

    Brau Jr. SD, Tenhagen SM, Krueger CM, Marciniak RA, Ebersole KT, Cornell DJ. The relationship between heart rate recovery and heart rate variability in firefighters. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy Annual Meeting and Scientific Conference, Indianapolis, IN, USA (September 23, 2022).

    Coffey KF. Strategies for new faculty on effective learning management system course development. Oral presentation delivered at the Teaching Professors Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA (June, 2022).

    Cornell DJ. Musculoskeletal injury risk among firefighters: movement quality isn’t the only factor. Tutorial lecture delivered at the National Strength and Conditioning Association Tactical Annual Training, San Antonio, TX, USA (August 26, 2022).

    Cornell DJ, Amico SL#, Sherriff TJ#, Himariotis AT^, Noel SE. Test-retest reliability of devices used to collect heart rate variability data. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA (June 4, 2022).

    Cornell DJ, Flees RJ, Ebersole KT. Influence of cardiorespiratory fitness on heart rate recovery metrics of male firefighters. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA (July 9, 2022).

    Fahey KM#, Cornell DJ, Hostetler AJ, Toof R, Melillo KD, Noel SE. Age-Friendly Lowell: intergenerational connection through experiential learning opportunities. Abstract delivered as an oral presentation at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA (November 3, 2022).

    Gnacinski SL, Luttrell MJ, Cornell DJ, Ebersole KT, Huey K. Describing the anaerobic capacity of police officers using the Wingate Test. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA (June 1, 2022).

    Hallbourg K. Effect of virtual reality on a physical therapy student's interpersonal patient communication. Oral presentation delivered at the International Virtual Reality Healthcare Association Technology Transfer Conference, Richmond, VA, USA (September 29, 2022).

    Hallbourg K, Fox M. Effect of a standardized patient encounter on student self-perception of clinical competence. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation delivered at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA (February 5, 2022).

    Hedgecock JB, O’Neil ME, Fragala-Pinkham M, Brennan ET, Johnson CC, Tombeno R, Kaplan SL, Greve K. A stakeholder survey using ICF domains to inform a clinical practice guideline for ambulatory youth with cerebral palsy. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation delivered at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA (February 5, 2022).

    Hostetler AJ, Hartman L, Santos MP, Cornell DJ, Tello HJ, D’Entremont K, Noel SE. Walkability, Age-Friendly communities, and empowerment and well-being among older adults. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Minneapolis, MN, USA (August 6, 2022).

    Katti P, Hinton A, Lam J, Kim Y, Hall D, Lopez EG, Vue Z, Christensen TA, Salisbury J, Pereira RO, Abel ED, Glancy B. Evolutionarily conserved mechanisms regulating muscle mitochondrial structure across spatial scales. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at 2022 Keystone Symposia – Mitochondria, Metabolism and Heart (RQ8), Keystone, CO, USA (September 28 – October 1, 2022).

    Kim Y, Bleck CKE, Glancy B. 3D mitochondrial remodeling during postnatal heart development. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at Experimental Biology 2022, Philadelphia, PA, USA (April 2-5, 2022).

    Kim Y, Dhorajia VV#, Zeng L#, Cheng R#, Kim J. Autophagy is a potential early adaptive response in the neuromuscular disorder of hemochromatosis. Abstract delivered as a virtual poster presentation at the Society for Neuroscience 2022, San Diego, CA, USA (November 11-15, 2022)

    Krishna S, Echevarria KG, Reed CH, Eo H, Valentine RJ, Selsby JT. Altered activation of inflammatory signaling with diet-induced insulin resistance in the dystrophic diaphragm. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at Experimental Biology 2022, Philadelphia, PA, USA (April 2-5, 2022).

    Krishna S, Montes C, Echevarria KG, Reed CH, Eo H, Walley JW, Valentine RJ, Selsby JT. Phosphoproteomics and reconstructed kinase signaling networks reveal unique consequences of diet-induced insulin resistance in dystrophic muscles. Oral presentation at New Directions in Biology and Disease of Skeletal Muscle Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (June 20-23, 2022).

    Moriarty-Baron J, Gauthier LV. Coordinating behavior modification strategies with home programming to meet best practice recommendations in neurorehabilitation. Oral presentation delivered at the American Congress of Rehabilitative Medicine Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, USA (November 10, 2022).

    O’Neil ME. School-based PT: promoting activity, function and fitness. Invited lecture presented at the American Physical Therapy Association Academy of Pediatrics Innovations in School-Based Practice Conference, Charleston, SC, USA (July 29, 2022).

    O’Neil ME. Fitness for children with disabilities. Invited lecture presented at the American Physical Therapy Association Academy of Pediatrics Advanced Clinical Practice Conference, Phoenix, AZ, USA (September 24, 2022).

    Sherriff TJ#, Ebersole KT, Cornell DJ. Confounding factors when performing movement screening among active-duty firefighters. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy Annual Meeting and Scientific Conference, Indianapolis, IN, USA (September 23, 2022).

    Wu YN, Stanwicks A#, Pang P#, Cantu RC, Kim Y, Gu Y. Acute effects of interval training with body cooling and limb compression in healthy young adults. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA (May 31-June 4, 2022).

    Regional Professional Presentations

    Coffey KF. Exercise prescription and programming rehabilitation. Invited tutorial lecture delivered at the American Physical Therapy Association New Hampshire Chapter Annual Conference, Portsmouth, NH, USA (September 24, 2022).

    Dhorajia VV#, Kim J, Kim Y. The role of autophagy in skeletal muscles of hereditary hemochromatosis model. Abstract delivered as oral/poster presentation at 2022 UMOVE Student Research Symposium, Lowell, MA (February 5, 2022).

    Duong MT^, Sherriff TJ#, Hill JJ^, Himariotis AT#, Proulx QJ^, Rogers DW^, Cornell DJ. Criterion validity of a smart garment when collecting respiratory data during exercise. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine New England Regional Chapter Fall Conference, Providence, RI, USA (October 14, 2022).

    Hill JJ^, Duong MT^, Sherriff TJ#, Himariotis AT#, Rogers DW^, Proulx QJ^, Cornell DJ. Criterion validity of a smart garment when collecting respiratory data during rest and recovery. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine New England Regional Chapter Fall Conference, Providence, RI, USA (October 14, 2022).

    Himariotis AT#, Rogers DW^, Proulx QJ^, Duong MT^, Hill JJ^, Sherriff TJ#, Coffey KF, Noel SE, Cornell DJ. Validity of a smartphone application to calculate measures of heart rate variability. Abstract delivered as an oral poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine New England Regional Chapter Fall Conference, Providence, RI, USA (October 14, 2022).

    Krishna S, Spaulding HR, Koltes JE, Quindry JC, Valentine RJ, Selsby JT. Indicators of increased ER stress and UPR in aged D2-mdx and human dystrophic skeletal muscles. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the Iowa Physiological Society Annual Meeting, Iowa City, IA, USA (November 5, 2022).

    O’Neil ME. Physical therapy for youth who are overweight or obese: promoting health, physical activity and participation. Invited lecture presented at the American Physical Therapy Association Washington State Chapter Spring Conference (April 9, 2022).

    O’Neil ME. Pediatric PT: Roles in health promotion, fitness, wellness and prevention. Invited keynote speaker presentation delivered at the oPTimize Function: American Physical Therapy Association Arkansas State Chapter Conference (September 17, 2022). 

    O’Neil ME. Pediatric PT: Fitness, physical activity, functional mobility and participation in youth with disabilities. Invited keynote speaker presentation delivered at the oPTimize Function: American Physical Therapy Association Arkansas State Chapter Conference (September 18, 2022).

    Proulx QJ^, Rogers DW^, Sherriff TJ#, Duong MT^, Hill JJ^, Himariotis AT#, Cornell DJ. Validity of a heart rate garment when collecting lnRMSSD data during rest and post-exercise recovery. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine New England Regional Chapter Fall Conference, Providence, RI, USA (October 14, 2022).

    Rogers DW^, Proulx QJ^, Himariotis AT#, Duong MT^, Hill JJ^, Sherriff TJ#, Cornell DJ. Validity of a smart garment to collect R-R interval data during rest and post-exercise recovery. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine New England Regional Chapter Fall Conference, Providence, RI, USA (October 14, 2022).

    Sherriff TJ#, Proulx QJ^, Himariotis AT#, Rogers DW^, Duong MT^, Hill JJ^, Cornell DJ. Criterion validity of a smart garment to collect heart rate data during exercise. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine New England Regional Chapter Fall Conference, Providence, RI, USA (October 14, 2022).

    ^denotes undergraduate student author
    #denotes graduate student author

  • International Professional Presentations

    Ajayi PT, Kim Y, Willingham B, Lindberg E, Bleck CKE, Glancy B. Postnatal development of sarcomere branching in the cardiac muscles of mice. Abstract delivered as a virtual poster presentation at the Muscle Health Awareness Day 12, The Muscle Health Research Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada (May 28, 2021).

    Kim Y. Mitochondrial structure in skeletal muscle. An invited oral presentation (keynote speaker) virtually delivered at the 15th 2021 Korea-United States Applied Physiological Society (May 22, 2021).

    O’Neil ME, Bloemen M, Liao HF, Yokoyama M. Global partnerships to promote physical activity and participation in paediatric PT. Educational seminar delivered at the World Physiotherapy Conference (April 10, 2021).

    National Professional Presentations

    Coffey KF. Learning-instructor interactions in a synchronous online learning environment: implications and strategies. Accepted online oral presentation delivered at the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Summit Conference (October, 2021).

    Cornell DJ, Amico SL#, Sherriff TJ#, Himariotis AT^, Ha K^, Noel SE. Validity of a finger sensor device and smartphone application to collect heart rate variability data. Abstract delivered as a virtual poster presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting (June 1-5, 2021).

    Cornell DJ, Ebersole KT. Influence of an online-delivered corrective exercise program on movement compensations of male career firefighters. Abstract delivered as a virtual oral podium presentation at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting (February 1-28, 2021).

    Cornell DJ, Stoneberger CJ. Firefighter task analysis: understanding the occupational needs of these tactical athletes. Peer-reviewed educational session delivered at the American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy Annual Meeting and Scientific Conference, Indianapolis, IN, USA (September 23, 2021).

    Fragala-Pinkham M, Lennon N, Trost SG, O’Neil ME. 6-Minute Walk Test and Pedi-CAT Outcomes and determinants of mobility for youth with cerebral palsy. Presentation delivered as a virtual oral podium presentation American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting (February 23, 2021).

    Greve K, O’Neil M, Fragala-Pinkham M, Brennan E, Johnson C, Tombeno R, Kaplan SL, Hedgecock JB. Consumer priorities for a physical therapy Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) to improve mobility for ambulatory children with cerebral palsy. Virtual poster presentation delivered at the Guideline International Network (GIN) Annual Conference (October 21, 2021).

    Hallbourg K, Fox M. Effect of a standardized patient encounter on student self-perception of clinical competence. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the American Physical Therapy Association Education Leadership Conference (October 23, 2021).

    Hallbourg K, Fox M. Effect of a standardized patient encounter on student self-perception of clinical competence. Oral presentation delivered at the Association of Standardized Patient Educators Annual Conference (June 28, 2021).

    Hostetler AJ, Melanson J, Hartman L, Santos MP, Cornell DJ, D’Entremont K, Noel SE. Understanding individual and collective empowerment among older adults: lessons from an age-friendly initiative. Abstract delivered as a virtual poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA, USA (August 12-14, 2021).

    Kao PC. Exoskeleton test methods for mobility on variable terrains. Presentation delivered at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Ergo-X 2021 Exoskeleton Symposium (November 9, 2021).

    Kim Y, Lindberg E, Bleck CKE, Glancy B. 3D development of the mitochondrial reticulum in the cardiac muscles of mice. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at the NHLBI Systems Biology Symposium, Bethesda, MD, USA (Virtual: May 12-13, 2021).

    Kim Y, Lindberg E, Bleck CKE, Glancy B. Postnatal development of the mitochondrial reticulum in the cardiac muscles of mice. Abstract delivered as a poster presentation at Experimental Biology 2021, USA (Virtual: April 27-30, 2021).

    Krishna S, Echevarria KG, Reed CH, Eo H, Valentine RJ, Selsby JT. Diet induced insulin resistance in mdx mice. Abstract presented as a virtual poster presentation at the New Directions in Biology and Disease of Skeletal Muscle Conference, Charleston, SC, USA (June 29, 2021).

    Mensah N, O’Neil ME, Quinn L. Measuring physical activity in non-ambulatory children with cerebral palsy. Poster presentation delivered at the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine Annual Conference (October 8, 2021).

    O’Neil ME. Fitness for children with disabilities. Invited lecture delivered at the American Physical Therapy Association Academy of Pediatrics Advanced Clinical Practice Conference, Omaha, NE, USA (August 24, 2021).

    O’Neil ME. School-based PT for students with disabilities: Promoting Activity, Function & Fitness. Virtual invited lecture presentation delivered at the American Physical Therapy Association Academy of Pediatrics Innovations in School-Based Practice Conference (July 31, 2021).

    O’Neil ME, Lennon N, Fragala-Pinkham M, Finnegan AG, Liu YC, Ramakrishnan R, Ayaz H, Diefenbach P, Shewokis PA. Active video games: promoting fitness and physical activity in ambulatory youth with cerebral palsy. Presentation delivered as a virtual oral podium presentation American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting (February 23, 2021).

    Reed CH, Bauer E, Clark PJ, Valentine RJ. The effects of severe psychological stress coupled with binge drinking on markers of skeletal muscle protein synthesis. Abstract presented as a virtual poster presentation at Experimental Biology (April 27-30, 2021).

    Regional Professional Presentations

    Kao PC. Human motor adaptation: advancing exoskeleton technology to real-world functionality. Tutorial lecture presentation delivered at the Biomechanics Interest Group Symposium in the American College of Sports Medicine New England Regional Chapter Fall Conference, Providence, RI, USA (October 21, 2021).

    O’Neil ME. Virtual gaming as a therapeutic modality for youth with cerebral palsy: progress and opportunities. Invited virtual lecture presentation delivered at the Nemours Children’s Health System, Cerebral Palsy Conference for Pediatric Physical Therapists, Wilmington, DE, USA (November 16, 2021).

    ^denotes undergraduate student author
    #denotes graduate student author

Physical Therapy and Kinesiology Presentations-2024

Physical Therapy and Kinesiology Presentations-2023

Physical Therapy and Kinesiology Presentations-2022