What courses will you take?

girls at a computer Image by Adrien Bisson

Our courses emphasize logical thought, problem-solving skills, data analysis and analytical modeling of economic phenomena. 

You will learn how to analyze data as well as understand its implications in order to advise organizations about their future needs. Learn how to address interesting questions like:

  • How can we induce a company to be more environmentally concerned?
  • How do we match donated organs with potential recipients?
Visit the Academic Catalog for a complete course listing.

Why study quantitative economics at UMass Lowell?

Students work at computers in an economics classroom at UMass Lowell.

Expert Faculty

Our economics faculty are actively involved in research and scholarship, value highly their role as instructors and bring real-world experience into the classroom from such prior roles as investment bankers, program directors at research institutions and advisors at the Federal Reserve Board.

Economics students from UMass Lowell stand in a group with one student holding a framed certificate

Extracurricular Activities

Put your learning into practice. Check out some of the fun ways UML students come together.

Group of UMass Lowell students holding a "Barracuda Bowl" M2D2 poster.

Experiential Learning

Build career-ready skills through experiences outside the classroom, including:

  • Research in a faculty laboratory 
  • Co-ops and internships 
  • Paid work on campus 
  • Service learning 
  • Study abroad
Student sitting in an economics classroom at UMass Lowell

Bachelor’s-to-Master's Program

Get on the fast track to an advanced degree with our combined Bachelor's-to-Master's program.

  • Available to juniors and seniors with a grade point average of 3.000 or better
  • Offers a continuous, coordinated sequence of courses
  • Reduced credit-hour requirements can save you time and money

What can you do with a degree in quantitative economics?

Graduates from UMass Lowell's quantitative economics program are prepared to enter many fields in both public and private sectors, including consulting, finance, government, not-for-profits, law, medicine, academia and research institutions.

Person working on computer while looking at data charts.

Alumni of our economics program have worked at:

  • Abt Bio-Pharma Solutions Inc.
  • BAE Systems
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • Fidelity Investments
  • International Monetary Fund
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Massachusetts Department of Revenue
  • Putnam Investments
  • Tufts Health Plan
  • University of Rhode Island