General Procedures
Students are made aware of the health and safety procedures in the beginning of each semester and can request additional training. Food and drinks are prohibited from all studios and labs. The hallway areas provide adequate seating for breaks from classes. Students may only operate specialized machinery after being trained by their faculty member or Studio Manager. Each studio has a specialized set of requirements posted on the specific studio door. Report any missing or malfunctioning equipment or supplies immediately. Do not attempt to repair or alter equipment yourself. The general studio rules are as such:
- No food or drinks allowed.
- Students must wear the appropriate PPE and work clothing.
- Students have 24-hour access to buildings and open studios, and specialized studios have posted hours of availability.
- Please use self-healing boards for all cutting.
- All spraying (adhesives, aerosols, etc) must be done in Dugan B7 (Specialized Ventilation Room).
- Please clean up after yourself and store work in designated storage areas.
- Please keep the tables clean of clays, plaster, inks, paint, pencil, chemicals, etc. Studios are used for multiple purposes and we want to eliminate cross contamination of materials.
- There are plumbing requirements with each sink. Some sinks contain chip tanks for acid neutralization; others have compound solidifiers to trap any solids from entering the plumbing system. Please be sure to ask if you are unsure as to what can be disposed down the sinks.
- Do not place anything in the hallways. Items left outside of designated studio or storage space will be considered trash and will be disposed of.
- At the end of each semester, you are expected to pack your studio up, and leave it in as good as condition as it was given to you. Please check with the Studio Manager with any questions regarding studio cleanup. Work will be disposed of after the posted disposal date.
- Respect the policies of the UMass Lowell Code of Student Conduct. Violation of the above stated policies can be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for disciplinary action under Conduct Code G, found on page 9 of the Student Conduct Code.