Categorizing Your Event

Before you start planning your event, familiarize yourself with the following policies and practices that Hospitality and Event Services (HES) uses to produce and support compliant events on campus.

Request Form for External EventsA general inquiry form on the HES website for all external and affiliated events.Event Request Form for External Events
25Live ReservationThe general request for reservation through the campus 25Live scheduling system. All events on campus must complete a request for space using the campus “Book-It” form or the “Express scheduling” form on the Hospitality and Events Services (HES) website.25Live website
Events with Minors on Campus GuidelinesA campus-wide mandatory guideline for all events to follow with minors, viewable on the HES website and the UMass Lowell (UML) Policy Portal.Events with Minors on Campus Guidelines page
Space Use PolicyA campus-wide mandatory guideline for all events to follow when booking event space on campus, viewable on the HES website and the UML Policy Portal.Space Use Policy page
Alcohol PolicyA campus-wide mandatory guideline for all events to follow when requesting alcohol at events, viewable on the HES website and the UML Policy Portal.Alcoholic Beverages Policy
Application to Host Summer Camp / Conference and Risk Management (CRM) AcknowledgementA campus-wide mandatory form on the HES website for summer camps / conferences to complete prior to the contract process. Form requires the requestor to acknowledge responsibility for the full CRM process as well as funding responsibility. All summer clients will be required to complete.Application to Host Summer Camp / Conference and Risk Management (CRM) Acknowledgement form
Minors on Campus CRM ChecklistA campus-wide mandatory form linked on the HES website for overnight summer camps/conferences, and external events during the summer months to complete prior to the contract process. Form requires the requestor to acknowledge responsibility for the full CRM process. All summer clients will be required to complete.Minors on Campus CRM Checklist
Weekly Campus-Wide Operations MeetingA weekly meeting hosted by HES for all service providing offices. Events are reviewed in full detail including but not limited to a review of events tagged with “Minors” as an event category.N/A
ContractA legal agreement for the use of space on the UML campus. Day contracts and overnight contracts for space use are managed through the HES office. Campus Recreation Center (CRC) space use for athletic/recreational use is managed through the CRC contract. Athletics space for the use of athletic/recreational use is managed through the Athletics office.N/A
Certificate of InsuranceA mandatory requirement for external/affiliated groups using UML space. Insurance must be received and on file (30) days prior to the event start date listing UML as the additional insured. Full Insurance requirements are outlined in the External Day and External Overnight Contracts.N/A
Police OrientationA mandatory meeting for all overnight contracted guests within 24 hours of the group check-in. Police orientation to review campus safety and security plans. All summer clients are required to complete.N/A
Residency AgreementA mandatory agreement for all guests that participate in overnight events with HES. Guardians are required to complete residence agreement if a guest is under the age of 18. Residency Agreements are collected prior to a guest checking into the residence hall. All summer clients are required to complete.Residency Agreement
Liability WaiversA mandatory agreement for all guests that participate in space use at the CRC and Athletics. Guardians are required to complete waiver if a guest is under the age of 18. Liability waivers are completed prior to a guest using the CRC / athletics facilities.Campus Recreation Liability Waivers
Day Camp - CRM Definition"Day Camps” are a program which:
  1. operates on a site for more than two hours but less than 24 hours a day;
  2. operates for at least four days during a 14 consecutive day period in a city or town; and
  3. meets the definition of a recreational camp for children.
Residential Camp - CRM Definition“Residential Camps” are a program which:
  1. meets the definition of a recreational camp for children;
  2. operates on a permanent site for three or more consecutive overnights; and
  3. operates for at least four days during a 14 consecutive calendar day period in a city or town.
Recreational Camp - CRM Definition“Recreational Camps” are:
  1. any day, primitive or outpost, residential, sports, travel or trip camp conducted wholly or in part for recreation or recreational instruction which:
    • (a) operates for profit or philanthropic or charitable purposes, whether or not a fee is charged; and
    • (b) serves five or more children who are not members of the family or personal guests of the operator; and
    • (c) operates for any period of time between June 1 and September 30 of any year or fewer than 15 business days during any other time of the year; or
  2. any person, entity, or program that promotes or advertises itself as a camp, even if it does not meet the criteria listed above.
Sports Camp - CRM Definition“Sports Camps” are a program which:
  1. meets the definition of a recreational camp for children;
  2. has a primary focus on one or more sports activities;
  3. operates on a site for more than two hours but less than 24 hours a day; and
  4. operates for at least four days during a 14 consecutive calendar day period in a city or town.
Specialized High-Risk Activities - CRM DefinitionEach recreational camp for children which conducts specialized high-risk activities, either on or off-site, including, but not limited to, horseback riding, hiking, scuba diving, rock climbing, firearms, archery, challenge courses, climbing walls, watercraft and aquatic activities, shall conduct such activities only under the supervision of a counselor who has evidence of appropriate training, certification and experience in each activity under their supervision. Said counselor shall be present during periods of specialized high-risk activity.