
The SiS application provides self-service functionality to all faculty, students and guests. A variety of learning tools are available, including customized video demonstrations, interactive web tutorials and printable job aids. The campus supports faculty in their use of SiS by:

  1. creating and maintaining professional documentation;
  2. creating online learning tools and tutorials for anytime access
  3. delivering presentations; and
  4. offering drop-in labs for hands-on support.

SiS 9.2 Presentations and Live Support

Faculty can contact the Help Desk by email: help@uml.edu or 978-934-HELP (4357) for log-in and desktop support or by email: bbhelp@uml.edu for specific Blackboard questions.

The Faculty Success website provides resources for faculty which includes information on orientation and mentoring, supports ongoing professional development and mid-career promotional advancement, facilitates chair workshops, supports the enhancement of instructional technologies, and provides oversight of the libraries.

Additional IT resources may be found on the Academic Technology webpage.